Leader profile
Mike Trimble, California
A regular column sponsored by Randall House Publications, Leader Profile features a different
Free Will Baptist pastor or leader in each issue.
Contact Danny Conn to nominate a leader.
Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the results are always the same. Leaders influence behavior
and make a difference in other people’s lives. Profiling leaders shows a variety and diverse combination of
traits and characteristics, but impacting lives is always a common theme.
Mike sees people differently than most ministers I know. When he sees people who are having trouble, homeless, or addicted, he sees what God can do with their lives.
Mike has been a leader since early childhood. At age five, he asked his parents if they would take him to church. His parents later accepted Christ as a result of a pastoral visit. At nine, Mike felt the call to preach and did not wait. He used a nightstand from his parents’ bedroom for a pulpit and preached to his friends. He even had altar calls!
It only takes seconds to know Mike never meets a stranger. This gift helps him connect with people who have never been to church, and his simple explanation of the gospel attracts people to Christianity.
His wife Kathy works close to his office. They often share lunch together or meet at Starbucks on breaks. Their solid relationship is obvious by the notes they drop to each other on facebook. When Mike talks about their three daughters, you can’t miss how proud he is, and how much he cares about their future.
About Mike:
Quiet Time Routine: Mike’s quiet time revolves around his Bible, his journal, and a cup of coffee. He records his thoughts in the journal after reading the same verses from several translations.
Ideal date: Each week, Mike and his wife enjoy coffee, sushi, and a movie.
Kids and a one-word description: (three daughters) Elizabeth (20) contemplative; Alyssa (17) passionate; Michaela (14) balanced.
Favorite books:
The Power of the Call, by Henry Blackaby
Be a People Person, by John Maxwell
Well Intentioned Dragons - Ministering to Problem People in the Church, by Marshall Shelley
Favorite author: Mark Driscol
Currently reading: Crazy Love, by Francis Chan and Quest for Truth, by Leroy Forlines
Biggest Failure: Not being able to delegate and let go.
One Indulgence: Coffee (especially from The Blue Bottle Café in San Francisco)
Paper or Plastic Questions
Mountains or ocean? Ocean
Music or talk radio? music
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Email or texting? Email
Socks or house shoes? Socks
Mac or PC? Mac
After 18 years at Harvest FWB Church in American Canyon, California, Mike wants to see more churches established in their region. He wants to bring church to the homeless rather than expect them to find their way. He continues to see people through God’s lenses.
Mike Trimble you are a great leader!