Leader profile
Rodney Yerby
A regular column sponsored by Randall House Publications, Leader Profile features a different
Free Will Baptist pastor or leader in each issue.
Contact Danny Conn to nominate a leader.
Leadership is not rocket science, but this leader works in that field.
Rodney works in engineering management and business development
for Sparta Incorporated, an aerospace defense and intelligence
company serving the Department of Defense. A civilian serving our
country is certainly impressive but this is not why Rodney was selected
for the Leader Profile.
He has served Christ with honor and
made discoveries of profound proportions as it relates to family,
youth, and his church. Rodney has been a leader and an influence
for many young people over the last two decades. He and his wife
have successfully transferred their faith, values, and intelligence to their kids.
Rodney’s two oldest
sons have been selected multiple years for the Truth & Peace Student Leadership Conference
operated by Randall House. Pastor Richard Hendrix says, “Rodney brings a level of involvement
that has touched so many of the children coming up through our church.
He provides leadership,
insight and direction to the church through his service as a deacon.
About Rodney
Quiet time routine. The routine is a struggle at times, but it is often meditative and reflective.
Keeping you and your wife connected. Talking every day, about the day, after the kids are in bed.
Kids and a one-word description of each. James (19) serious; Thomas (18) happy-go-lucky; Elizabeth
(10) social; Stephen (7) energetic.
Advice for your kids if you were dying. “Do what you know to do. We are educated beyond our
obedience and do not always do what we know we should do.”
Favorite books. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, and Developing the Leader Within You both by
John Maxwell
Favorite author. Scott Turow (John Grisham kind of writer)
Currently reading. Playing for Pizza by John Grisham
Traits about self you would change. Quickly judging others and lack of graciousness.
Your Strongest traits. Tenaciousness, willing to work hard, and intellectual insight, a clear sense
of what ought to be.
Why Free Will Baptist? Grew up Free Will Baptist but later I chose it because I studied the beliefs
and adopted them for my own. It began as a heritage but later became a choice of what I believe is
right and closest to what I studied in the Bible.
Stranded on island—three things you would NOT want. TV, video games, and snack foods.
Three things you WOULD want. iPhone, Bible, and sunscreen.
Rodney possesses a long list of positive traits that most leaders want to develop. The one trait
that tops the list is humility. The people of our country may never fully know what he has done
to provide security in our defense system. His own kids will never understand, this side of eternity,
the values he has instilled into them for the journey to adulthood.
Rodney Yerby, you are a great leader!