EveryOne:Reaching Farther Together
the law always wins
by Keith David Kennemer
Have you ever fought the law and lost? Whether we choose to go against the law on the interstate or on a stepladder, lawbreaking is always a mistake—even in your Sunday School. The laws of Sunday School growth are as true as the speed limit sign or the law of gravity. If you go against these laws, they will win and your Sunday School will lose.
Law One
Classes reach their maximum growth (saturation point) within 18 to 24 months of their beginning. If an adult class has been in existence more than two years, it has reached a point where it will level off and not grow.
Law Two
New classes grow faster, win more people (for Christ), and encourage constant growth. New classes inject life in a Sunday School, creating an atmosphere of expectation.
Both of these laws come directly from creation. God ordained growth; His command was to “grow and multiply.”
Growth requires organization and preparation. Plants must be spaced at various distances and crop rows have to be so far apart. Growing a business requires constant change. Even the farm pond must have fresh water coming in and water going out or it will stagnate. As they say, insanity is doing the same things over and over expecting different results.

You may ask, “What do these things have to do with my class? I’ve been going to the same class for years. I really like my teacher and all of my friends are there.” Look around. Do you see new people coming into your class? Are members leaving the class to minister inside or outside your church? Are there two or even three generations of families either in the class or are possibilities for that class?
Most Sunday Schools today have two adult Bible classes. One was started years ago for the young married couples. The problem is that class now has grandparents in it. Is that your situation? It is at my church. How is growth possible in such churches? I recommend you take three steps.
First, assemble a task force made up of a cross section of people representing the leadership, age groups, and workers in your ministry.
Second, identify all adults who are members of the Sunday School, church, or are prospects for the classes. See what new your adult classes would look like if you were to reorganize by starting new units. At least be willing to look at the possibilities.
Finally, cover these efforts with prayer, asking God for guidance and to reveal His will in these matters. Remember, He’s the one who said, “Grow and multiply.” Then have the task force make the tough decisions and present them to the people.
A fresh tool now available from Randall House is FUSION, the new curriculum for adults. It can be a great way to start that new class. Call your Church Ministry Consultant today for assistance in this “grow and reproduce” possibility.
About the Writer: Keith D. Kennemer is Director of Christian Education, Corner Stone Church, Murfreesboro, TN. Learn more about Sunday School at www.randallhouse.com.