A missionary shares family-centered outreach ideas for growing a church.
knit together
By Melissa Taylor
Over the past few years, God has used a simple ministry—a bi-weekly play date with other moms—to help our church grow. Two summers ago, I started this ministry, meeting at different locations around Yuma. The activity provided an informal way for ladies to get together for our children to play. It also offered them an opportunity to invite friends to a non-intimidating environment. And because we met in public places like parks and playgrounds, we met other moms and told them how we all knew each other. Several families began coming to our church through this ministry.
At the end of the summer, I organized a mom’s group that met during the day. While moms studied the Bible together, the kids played. I have to admit, some days were crazy! But most of the time, this arrangement worked out great for the group. We built relationships and found prayer partners we could count on. Because the group consisted of all women, we did more personalized Bible studies for women.
At our church, small groups run on a three-semester cycle—fall, winter/spring, and summer. During the most recent semester of small groups, I led a women’s group at night with no kids present. Every group is challenged to participate in kindness project during the semester. So my co-leader (one of the mom’s I met during play dates) and I decided to knit blankets and hats for the local NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). Both of us have had babies in the NICU, and we understand how hard the experience can be. These small, handmade gifts let people know you care.
Each week, the group would knit during Bible study. Almost everyone in the group participated. Some ladies learned how to knit for the first time (including me), and we bought “Knifty Knitter” to help them.
We enjoyed sharing prayer requests, learning about the Bible…and knitting. At the end of this semester, we had seven blankets and 103 hats for the NICU. We placed a little note with each one listing our church website and telephone number. It was exciting and rewarding to give these to the hospital.
Through this project, God has opened the doors of friendship with one of the nurses in the NICU. She is starting a support group for families with premature babies, and she asked me to share my story with them. I can hardly wait to see what God has in store for this growing ministry that started with a simple play date!
About the Writer: Melissa Taylor ministers with her husband, Jason, as home missionaries to Yuma, Arizona.