keeping up with the jones
by Tommy Jones
Find out more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions at www.homemissions.net.
Workers arrived early, flooding the Greensburg Volunteer Fire Department on the morning of Saturday, September 27. These volunteers came with one thing on their minds…Operation Saturation. They came with the goal of reaching 1,000 homes in just over two hours. They worked in conjunction with Ken Akers and Free Will Baptist Master’s Men to saturate the Greensburg community with information about the newest church in the area—Keystone FWB Church.
Help came from Ohio! Daryl Grimes brought a group of men from the Harrison FWB church in Minford; Tom Dooley brought volunteers from First FWB church in Austintown; Brian Phillips traveled from Mansfield; and Paul Etterling and a crew of volunteers arrived from the Westerville FWB church.

We were encouraged, humbled, and thankful for these Free Will Baptists who took time from their busy schedules to come and help us. But I was also proud of the volunteers from our church. Most of them had never been involved in this type of outreach, yet they were more than willing to help. As a home missionary, it warmed my heart to see our young church reaching out to the community. Other ladies in the church served lunch, and they did a fantastic job.
We were privileged to host Master’s Men Director Ken Akers and his wife Sandra. Richard Atwood director of missionary assistance for the Home Missions department also came up to help. We enjoyed having these guys with us. They do more than just talk about helping—they get involved and help get the work done!
Two hours later, we had reached our goal of visiting 1,000 homes. Three people have visited the church as a direct result of the information we distributed. I am convinced that lives will change because of Operation Saturation.
We also used the opportunity to promote Friend and Family Day on September 28th. We enjoyed a record attendance of 37, with 13 first time guests! Some have returned and seem to be very interested in the church. Only eternity will reveal the full benefits of the hours we spent together reaching the Greensburg community through Operation Saturation!
About the Writer: Tom Jones is a home missionary to greater Pittsburgh, PA. To learn more about mission work in Greensburg, visit www.keystonefwb.org.