I still think Christians inviting others to church is a great way to Evangelize.
Why Not Invite Someone to Church?
by Richard Atwood
I still think Christians inviting others to church is a great way to evangelize. Many home mission churches have seen growth using this method. Some churches, however, see few visitors from week after week. Pastors even nag their congregation at the end of every service by saying something like, “Now be sure to invite someone to church this week,” but they just won’t do it. Why? I can think of a few reasons.
1. Many Christians have few friends that don’t go to church.
Some solutions:
Think harder. Most people know someone who isn’t saved or in church—family members, coworkers, neighbors, facebook friends, the person who cuts your hair, etc.
Build relationships with unsaved people. Take time to get to know them. Listen to what they have to say and share funny stories. Look for a chance to tell your story of what it’s like to have God in your life.
Remember that many people are interested in God or church but don’t know where to go. They may be glad to get an invitation.
Start sowing seed thoughts about God. Distribute tracts and let the people know about something good that happened recently at your church. Thank God for good things. Let them know that you will pray for them and about their problems.
Go around doing good things. Jesus did that (Acts 10:38). When people see God at work in your life, they will be more open to talk to you about God and church.
2. Some people don’t want anyone else in church.
Does that surprise you? They may not admit it, even to themselves, but they like the way things are, and they do not welcome change. They think that more people coming into the church might cause less room for parking, destroy the “family” feeling, bring new ideas to the table, put new people in leadership positions, and crowd the sanctuary or meeting place. They might even lose their favorite places to sit. Does any of this sound familiar?
3. Some people feel their church is okay for them, but not sure how an unchurched person would feel about it.
What can the church do to make it easier for members to invite others?
Start on time and end about the same time each week.
Help people find their way around with the use of signs, greeters, and welcome centers.
Welcome people, but don’t overdo it by hugging strangers or having 10-minute-long greeting one another time.
Periodically have a big day or special event where everyone invites their friends. Have food. Don’t go too long.
Announce a new sermon series starting next Sunday. Find a way to follow up.
Don’t embarrass guests by having them stand or tell their name or wear a visitor badge.
Put yourself in the place of a visitor. How would you like to be treated? Do that. Brainstorm with your people and get their ideas on how new people would like to be treated.
Plan the service with the goal of a worshipful atmosphere.
Preach truth with love, passion, illustration, and application. Don’t be boring! Aren’t you sick of boredom in churches? Well, so is everyone else!
Fight for unity in your church. Nobody wants to invite people to church where there are divisions and strained relationships.
Have a plan to help people build friendships in church.
Give everyone a card where they can list three to five friends who aren’t in church. Ask them to pray for them and then to follow-up by acts of kindness. Strive to build a relationship with them and invite them to come with you.
People invite their friends to parties, to watch the Super Bowl, to go play golf, to go out to eat. If they think it will be a good experience for their friends, they will invite them to church, too.
About the Writer: Richard Atwood is the director of missionary assistance for the Home Missions Department. Read more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions at www.homemissions.net.