September 2022
Give Me That Mountain!

By Phyllis York
Since 2005, the reality television show Intervention has followed the desperate efforts of friends, family members, and professionals seeking to intervene in the lives of individuals with serious addictions. Sometimes, their efforts are successful. In other instances, tragic decisions lead to further addictive, even deadly behaviors. The show provides a grim reminder. Sometimes, humans need intervention.
In 2022, Treasure Bible studies have highlighted intervention of a different type—God’s intervention in the lives of women. Rahab, a woman of ill repute (Joshua 2), would be considered a failure by many. Yet, she feared God, spared the lives of the Israelite spies, and by God’s grace, became the wife of Salmon, and mother of Boaz.
The Pharisees made a spectacle of a woman caught in adultery (John 8) bring her to Jesus. After asking where her accusers were, Jesus told her to go and sin no more. Mary Magdalene (John 20), from whom Jesus cast seven demons, became His early follower. She was present at His crucifixion when most other followers fled. Mary was also the first to see Jesus after His resurrection.
Shuphrah and Puah, Hebrew midwives (Exodus 1), feared God and disobeyed Pharoah’s edict to kill Hebrew baby boys. God blessed them and gave them families. The woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5) was terminal. After hemorrhaging for 12 years, she had spent everything on doctors to no avail. By merely touching the hem of Jesus’ garment, she was healed. When confronted, she told Jesus her story, and He commended her for her faith.
The Samaritan woman was considered unworthy by her fellow townspeople. Yet Jesus went out of His way to minister to her (John 4:4). His conversation with this lone woman at noon resulted in many Samaritans coming to faith. They even asked Jesus to linger with them, which He did for two days.
These are but a few of the many examples recorded in Scripture. Are we aware of similar interventions by God in our daily lives? Or are we oblivious to His work around us? Are we willing to be His hands and feet, intervening in the lives of those He has placed in our sphere of influence? Are we attuned to the Spirit’s nudging when opportunities arise? Do we see our family, neighbors, and coworkers through His eyes? Or have we become self-focused and oblivious?
By keeping in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25), we will recognize opportunities when God can use us to intervene in someone’s life. Spending time in the Word and prayer will prepare our hearts. To answer questions that arise, we must hide His Word in our hearts. Recognizing what a gift we have been given in salvation will yield a grateful, humble spirit. We did not choose our ethnicity, country of origin, social status, etc. God chose for us to be born in this country at this time for His purpose.
Think about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8. Philip left Jerusalem because of the persecution and headed to Samaria. What did he do? According to verse 5 “he preached Christ unto them,” and a revival broke out. Then the angel of the Lord told him to go to the desert. He obeyed and encountered one man. From a human standard, he left the many for only one. But God saw a bigger picture. The one was influential and took the gospel with him to an unreached area. Oh, for eyes to see as God sees!
For years, we have sent missionaries and church planters to areas with little or no gospel witness. And we still must. Currently, God is bringing the nations to America—to my community and yours. We are the missionaries they will encounter. Are we, like Philip, willing to go to the one?
We must build relationships to speak into another’s life. Are we patient and willing to invest the time and energy? Do we seek to be hospitable and give internationals a glimpse into our personal lives?
Matthew 28:18-20 reminds us to go into all the world, not only our comfort zones. Acts 1:8 clearly indicates our work begins in our Jerusalem, then our Judea and Samaria, and then to the uttermost parts of the earth. Are we living and working as if this command will be completed in our lifetimes?
Could the person with whom we share the gospel today be the “one” who will hasten the Lord’s return? Do we live with Jim Elliott’s motto? “Only one life ’twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
About the Author: Phyllis York is the interim director of WNAC and lives in Smyrna, Tennessee, with her husband Tim. She has been a leader in Free Will Baptist Women’s Ministries since 1992.