September 2012
Faith, Family &

Home Missions Initiative
by Larry A. Powell
Building Bridges
Since all the world is coming to America, North American church planters are learning new and effective methods to build bridges to a diverse community. Our missionaries are introducing the supernatural Christ of the Bible to a society dominated by naturalistic beliefs. Today, perhaps more than at any time in the history of our movement, our missionaries are sharing the love and forgiveness of our Savior with compassion in an increasingly anti-God culture.
Recent Reports
Recently, several of our church planters reported more than a 100—some near the 200 mark—during special outreach efforts. Hundreds of visitors are coming under the preaching of the gospel of forgiveness by repentance and faith in Christ. Free Will Baptist church planters are seeing more being saved and baptized than ever before.
Praise the Lord! They are reaping the harvest across North America. We have a burning desire to win more souls and plant more churches than ever before our Lord returns. Download a chart demonstrating these great attendance statistics.
Do the Main Things Well
In a recent Home Missions Board meeting, we discussed how to make and keep loyal supporters who will enable us to continue this vital work. Some of the conclusions were: continue appointing hard-working missionaries who will complete successful works; keep the main thing, the main thing and do it well—that is, winning the lost to Christ; start new and exciting mission works that will inspire Free Will Baptists to confidence and support; demonstrate genuine appreciation to our supporters; and stay humble and listen well.
At Home Missions, we certainly don’t have all the answers, but we are training and equipping our church planters to win families and make disciples who will, in turn, win more precious souls to Christ. Thank you, Free Will Baptists, for your consistent support of our efforts.
About the Writer: Larry A. Powell is director of Free Will Baptist Home Missions. Learn more: www.homemissions.net.