
IN review
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by J. Matthew Pinson
ISBN 0892655224
Price $12.99
Free Will Baptists believe in three gospel ordinances—baptism, the Lord’s supper (communion), and the washing of the saints’ feet. In six concise chapters Pinson makes the case for feet washing as an ordinance.
The author clearly explains what an ordinance is. Pinson then establishes that Jesus meant for His followers to practice feet washing as an ordinance. Next, he devotes a chapter to the symbolism of feet washing. Pinson also looks at the practice of feet washing outside the gospels. Finally, he tells why the Lord’s Supper and feet washing should be observed together. Pinson has included a list of books on feet washing for those who would like to do more reading on this subject.
Pinson has achieved his goal of making his book both practical and conversational. It is must reading for Free Will Baptists. J. Matthew Pinson, a fifth generation Free Will Baptist, is president of Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, Tennessee.
A Philosophical, Practical, and Passionate Approach to Sunday School by Allan Taylor
ISBN 0970611765
Price $19.99
The principles in the Word of God often do not fit our “microwave” world. Dr. Clarence Benson, renowned Christian educator, once said “Methods are many. Principles are few. Methods may change. Principles never do.”
The Six Core Values of Sunday School lays out the heart of Sunday School. The author shares with the reader what it takes to minister through the local church to reach the community for Jesus Christ. The six principles are:
1. Reaching People
2. Teaching People
3. Ministering to People
4. Involving People
5. Assimilating People
6. Building Relationships with People
Any Jesus-led Sunday School must catch a vision of the community. Matthew 9:36 resounds clearly, “When he saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion.” Do people tug at your heart? Would you like to share the vision? If so, The Six Core Values of Sunday School, is the book for you.

24 Secrets That Can Help You Change Lives
by Elmer L. Towns
ISBN 0830728740
Price $6.99
Imagine that you’ve been recruited to teach the third grade Sunday School class starting next week, and you’ve never taught kids before. Where do you go for help? Elmer Towns has written a user-friendly book to help Sunday School teachers not only get through class but teach in a way that changes lives. “When teaching is viewed as a ministry, the goal is always changed lives,” explains Towns. The 24 secrets he shares with Sunday School teachers include practical tips on lesson outlines, classroom setting, capturing students’ attention, and leading students to Christ.
Towns’ emphasis is not on the trendy but the tried and true, focusing on basic teaching principles. His book is sure to inspire new and experienced Sunday School teachers to embrace with joy their role of teaching children of all ages about God’s love.
To order these and other Christian resources, contact Randall House Publications (800) 877-7030 or visit the website: www.randallhouse.com.