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by Linda Ann Crosby
ISBN 9780892655571
Price $9.99
Mothers find a sense of comfort when they learn that other mothers share the same daily challenges in raising kids. It is helpful to be reminded you are not alone in striving for the ultimate goal of raising a godly family.
Linda Ann Crosby is just that type of mother who willingly shares her personal experiences to encourage other mothers with a dose of humor. Mothers will benefit from taking time out of their daily routine to read a short devotional in her new book, Laughing in the Midst of Mothering. Enjoy the following excerpt from her new book, which can be purchased at Randall House.
But I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice . . . Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall (Psalm 55:16,17, 22).
Our children were assigned chores as soon as they were capable of carrying objects. Putting trash in the garbage can, taking shoes to the entry closet and collecting scattered toys were ingrained before they could beg for Pop Tarts. As the kids matured and their abilities increased, the chore chart was birthed, and keeping house has been a joint effort ever since. I was determined not to be the maid for my family.
While touring the house on my “who’s-hiding-during-chore-time” rounds, my son’s reflection on the finger-smudged dining room window caught my attention. Pausing stealthily around the corner, I watched as he swept the entryway. My motherly heart beat proud as he methodically filled the dustpan. I silently congratulated myself: Another child successfully trained in removing dirt from my tile floors. His wife will profusely thank me some day. He truly has learned a life skill that will serve him well throughout his days. He will rise up and call me blessed.
Interrupting my thoughts of maternal grandeur, my breath stuck in my throat as I witnessed a horror of horrors. With entryway dirt securely in the dustpan, my son set the broom against the wall, obviously to open the front door for disposal purposes. The door remained untouched, to my grief, as he crossed the living room carpet and gingerly dumped the dirt, sand, rocks, leaves, hair, bugs and lint behind the yellow sofa.
“HEY!” I blasted, a moment too late. In shock his feet left the floor and a derelict grin crossed his used-to-be-darling face. “How long have you been dumping dirt back there?” I demanded.
A pause . . . then, “A while.” His honest answer was barely a whisper.
He told the truth . . . one point for his side. After peering behind the couch, I adjusted his score to minus 27. Together we pulled out the couch, vacuumed and went through the rightful motions of putting dirt where dirt belongs.
Through the retraining of my son, the Lord reminded me of the many times I dump the dirt of my life behind the couch instead of dealing with it properly. Psalm 68:19 reassures us that God daily bears our burdens. He is waiting for us to follow the directions in the Bible . . . and bring the sins of our lives to Him.

by Edward J. Moody, Jr., Ph.D.
ISBN 9780892655649
Price $12.99
We have all been in situations when we don't know how to help someone in need. This book will remedy that struggle we all face at one time or another in life.
Edward J. Moody has created an excellent resource tool for ministry to be used in the church, in the family, or in an extended circle of friends. First Aid for Emotional Hurts provides the reader with knowledge and tools to help those facing significant emotional or mental issues in life. An extensive list of resources is also provided on each subject. The author speaks with a qualified voice to the spiritual and physical needs of the hurting.
To order the products featured above, or to find more quality Christian books and resources, contact Randall House Publications at (800) 877-7030 or visit www.randallhouse.com.