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by Joseph Bentz
ISBN 9780892655687
Price $12.99
A Son Comes Home tells the story of an extraordinary and life-changing summer in the life of an American family. The main character, Chris LaRue, is a graduate student and college instruction in his early twenties. He has drifted from his family and his faith. As he returns to spend the summer with his family, he will face his former fiancée, his father’s grave illness and problems in the life of his younger sister.
This book is a family story in several senses—an individual family, an extended family, and a church family. The story is carefully crafted to demonstrate the complexity of relationships. It tells of prodigal sons and daughters, ordinary people who stray from the Lord during their times of darkness and squander what He has given them. They take matters into their own hands and try to force their own solutions with disastrous results. It is also ultimately a story of coming to one’s senses, of confession and forgiveness, of reconciliation with God and with each other. This novel shows it is never too late to come home.
Randall house CLEAR Study Series
Excellent resources for pastors, church leaders, and Sunday School teachers
by Robert E. Picirilli
ISBN 9780892658732
Price $14.99
Romans is an excellent study guide for Paul’s epistle. This installment in the CLEAR Study Series contains thirty-nine lessons to serve as a complement to Sunday School or personal Bible Study. Robert E. Picirilli served as academic dean and professor of Greek and New Testament studies at Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, Tennessee, for more than forty years.
To order the products featured above, or to find more quality Christian books and resources, contact Randall House Publications at (800) 877-7030 or visit www.randallhouse.com.