
IN review
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Randall House Bible Commentary Series
by W. Stanley Outlaw
ISBN 0892655143
Price $29.99
The anxiously awaited commentary on Hebrews includes insights into this rich, Christological New Testament gem. The volume provides in-depth examination of Hebrews, and its application and pastoral insights are unparalleled. It addresses the ongoing controversy surrounding the author of the book by documenting meticulous research in a thought-provoking fashion.
While helpful to readers from any denomination, the five “warning passages,” especially 6:1-6, will attract the attention of Free Will Baptist readers. Outlaw carefully identifies and refutes alternative views of the passage with the scholarship of a professor yet the passion of a pastor. Whether one’s interest in Hebrews is only personal or if a sermon series or Bible study is the ultimate goal, the commentary will serve prove to be a rich source.
Moving People to God’s Agenda
by Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby
ISBN 0805418458
Price $19.99
“Just what I need…another book on leadership.”
But this is not just another book about leadership. Henry and Richard Blackaby based their leadership principles on the Word of God. The principles of spiritual leadership they present are taken directly from the Bible.
The Blackabys effectively demonstrate that God’s ideas about leadership are totally different from the world’s. To put it simply, God does not call us to lead those who would follow us anyway; He calls us to lead those who will not follow us to follow Him. Be prepared. This book will change the way you think about leadership!

The Christian life doesn’t have to be complicated
by Robert J. Morgan
ISBN 0892655623
Price $7.99
$4.99 each when purchased by the
case (24 books)
The premise of Simple, best-selling author Rob Morgan’s newest book, is that the Christian life doesn’t have to be complicated. Morgan explains the ABCs of Christianity—assurance, baptism, church, devotions, and evangelism. Although Simple is intended for new Christians, more mature believers can also read this straightforward volume with profit. Randall House Publications is offering a special rate to churches, organizations, or individuals buying this helpful title by the case (24 books).