the heritage club
Home Misisons Introduces the Heritage Book Club: Silver, Gold, and Platinum Levels
by David Crowe
To learn more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist Home Missions, visit www.homemissions.net. |
SINCE 2001, HUNDREDS HAVE JOINED the Heritage Book Club and thousands of Free Will Baptist reprints have been placed in the hands of Free Will Baptist people. Thus far, the club has been limited to one level of giving, with members receiving one volume of the FWB Heritage Series per year. We presently have six volumes in the collection.
In order to place more Free Will Baptist titles in the hands of our people, we now offer three levels of giving to the Heritage Book Club: silver, gold, and platinum. The levels will allow us to generate more income to the general fund of Home Missions, allowing us to provide more FWB resources to missionaries and churches.

While we will continue to produce one volume of the FWB Heritage series each year, we are additionally putting many historic Free Will Baptist titles on CD. It is our goal to complete at least 25 volumes in the Heritage Series Collection and several hundred titles in digital format.
For a faith promise commitment of $10 per month, you will receive:
Current Volume of The Heritage Series- Up from the Ashes (2007)
Free Baptist Cyclopedia (1889) on CD
Opportunity to purchase previous volumes for $10 each (Volumes 1-5)
For a faith promise commitment of $25 per month, you will receive:
Same as Silver, plus…
An additional Volume of The Heritage Series–History of the General or Six Principle Baptists (1827)
Three additional CDs that include these FWB titles:
The Hindoo Foundling Girl (1834)
Missionary Reminiscences (1885)
Life of Otis Robinson Bacheler (1904)
Lectures on Systematic Theology (1890)
Origin of the Free Will Baptist Missionary Work on the Island of Cuba
For a faith promise commitment of $50 per month, you will receive:
Same as Gold, plus…
Two additional Volumes of The Heritage Series: History of the Free Will Baptists (1862) and Life and Labors of Rev. Ransom Dunn (1901)
Three additional CDs:
The Free Will Baptist Quarterly Vol. I & II (1853-1854)
The Free Will Baptist Quarterly Vol. III & IV (1855-1856)
The Free Will Baptist Quarterly Vol. V & VI (1857-1858
An original Morning Star paper dated from the 1800s
An additional bonus of a new CD every two months. A total of six new CDs per year.
For Current Members
If you are currently a member of the Heritage Book Club and renew your membership, in addition to the items you will receive for Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels, you will receive an additional bonus in appreciation for your faithful support and contributions. For renewing at the:
Silver level, you will receive 1 additional CD containing 2 FWB titles.
Gold level, you will receive 2 additional CDs containing 4 FWB titles.
Platinum level, you will receive 4 additional CDs containing 6 FWB titles.
To join the Heritage Book Club, call toll free (877) 767-7674 or visit www.homemissions.net.