10 ways you can help home missionaries
by Sandy Atwood
Find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist Home Missions at www.homemissions.net.
10 ways to show appreciation to home missionaries who serve God and the denomination:
Pray for them.
I know we intend to do it, but email your home missionary and ask for specific requests. Go to www.homemissions.net and click on missionaries to find email addresses. Send them an email or card thanking them for starting a new church.
Send a card with $5 in it to each of the missionary’s children.
Send a care package or gift card to the whole family. Enlist a Sunday School class or small group to brainstorm for ideas.
Ask the missionary for a specific project (give a dollar amount you want to spend). Plan a special dinner to raise money for it.
Adopt a Sunday School class at a mission church. Make a video of your class and email it to theirs. Call them during Sunday School (prearrange this, taking into account different time zones). Pray for each other.
Send a gift card or care package to missionary children away at college.
Send a bouquet of flowers to the home missionary’s wife.
Round up volunteers to spend a Saturday helping a nearby missions church (prayer walking, visiting, distributing flyers, sprucing up around the church, or helping out with a project).
Give to the Mission: North America Offering on November 23, to support the staff that helps, encourages, trains, and assists the missionaries in doing their job.

How to Pray for Missionaries:
To walk worthy of the calling, be fruitful
in every good work, and increase in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10).
To be filled with the knowledge of His will and have wisdom and spiritual understanding (Colossians 1:19).
To know the exceeding greatness of His
power (Ephesians 1:19).
To abound with love (Philippians 1:9).
To have open doors of opportunity to witness and power over adversaries (1 Corinthians 16:9).
To have laborers join them in the harvest (Luke 10:2).