November 2011
Shift: A Change of Direction

Home Missions Director
Larry Powell points the way for
Mission: North America.
GPS (Go, Preach, Share)
by Larry Powell
People have attributed to that great philosopher Yogi Berra the saying, “If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else.” He also said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
I remember our first experience with a GPS (Global Positioning System). We were visiting Sapelo Sound along Georgia’s beautiful coast, with its multitude of rivers, islands, and vast salt marshes. I enjoyed the long summer day shrimping and fishing. It is easy to get lost in that huge sound,
however, so we programmed the GPS with the address of the dock in order to return safely every time.
The Right Direction
At Home Missions, we don’t want to lose our direction. Our church planters are driven by the urgency of Jesus’ final command. Where are they going? Hometown, USA. What are they preaching? Repentance and faith for salvation.
Our home missionaries speak with passion so people in the pew will be convicted and convinced that Jesus is the only way to forgiveness of sins and a relationship with God the Father. They use their unique gifts to bring families to the Lord Jesus. They major on strong pulpit ministry and inspiring worship while
they build loving and lasting relationships with people.
Missionaries across North America pour their vision into core groups as Jesus did with His disciples for approximately 42 months. They build teams and teamwork in an all-out effort to saturate new communities with the message of peace and safety in Christ.
My GPS Talks!
My GPS unit talks to me. Sometimes it says, “Recalculating” or “Make a U-turn!” I didn’t follow its prompting once when driving in the islands. I found myself high in the mountains on a narrow and dangerous road that was nearly impassable. As believers, our GPS is the Holy Scriptures, and when they speak to us, we must listen.
Jeremiah (6:16) had no GPS, but he had the sure Word of God. As Judah reached the milestone of a thousand years as a nation, they asked him which way they should go. Jeremiah advised them to stand still and observe the broad way many were following. He then admonished Judah to choose the old paths of holiness and purity.
The old path is the narrow road that leads to the cross of Christ. Our church planters are preaching the old paths of the Word of God. They will never lose their direction as long as they follow God’s prescribed way. They will arrive at their final destination, bringing many precious people for that grand and glorious
About the Writer: Larry A. Powell is general director of Home Missions. Learn more about church-planting efforts at www.homemissions.net.