The first time I heard John Marshall speak I prayed that God would somehow multiply his experience into my own life and lives of hundreds of Free Will Baptist pastors. Here was a man of proven spiritual leadership in a great local church ministry explaining how his heart had been broken for the needs of the lost world. His life and ministry had been radically transformed as a result. It was the right message at the right time for me.
God had compelled me to lead our church to a strategic level of partnership with home missions and international missions church-planting. I was looking for models. I needed my passion boosted. The Lord used Dr. Marshall as one of the ways to meet those needs.
John Marshall pastors Second Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri. In addition to a thriving membership numbering several thousand, Second Baptist is strategically involved in outreach to their local area and beyond. This book describes the process of personal transformation in Dr. Marshall from casual awareness of missions to strategic involvement in global evangelism both at home and abroad. The church has caught his vision and is engaged in projects that impact the Springfield area, North American church-planting projects, and international efforts to evangelize unreached people groups.
One of things I appreciate most about Dr. Marshall is his level of involvement with his denominational missions programs, both North American and international. The Lord Jesus commanded the church to witness in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. We must not limit our outreach to our local area, to North America, or overseas. The Great Commission directs every local church to concern for the full scope of ministry defined in Acts 1:8.
I was privileged to hear Dr. Marshall speak at our church’s first Global Impact Celebration in 2002. The stories of what God did in his church since they became focused on missions challenged the Russellville First FWB Church and our guests. Pastors attending the Global Focus Leadership Seminar (hosted during that same week) were equally inspired by his candid story of how God transformed his life.
Listening to Dr. Marshall prompted me to dream of our church playing a key role in taking the gospel to an unreached people group. I began to envision local Free Will Baptist churches preparing themselves spiritually and strategically to partner with our denomination’s mission agencies to plant churches in the least-reached areas of our nation and the world. That vision has led me to my present ministry role as part of the International Missions team. Helping pastors understand God’s heart for a lost world so they can lead their churches into the harvest is one of my driving passions.
I hope every Free Will Baptist will read Through God’s Eyes, and all who attend this year’s National Convention will take advantage of the opportunity to hear Dr. Marshall speak. Free Will Baptists stand on the coastline of a vast sea of opportunity. It is time to dive into global evangelism. Perhaps this brother’s story will prompt many of us into the water.
Doug Little is the Director of State Side Development for FWB International missions. As a former pastor, Doug lived out a passion for God, people and global outreach.

Randall House is proud to announce that Through God’s Eyes, is set to release July 17, 2005.
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ISBN 0892655135