June-July 2013
God's Hands

One pastor explains why he and his church will be at the D6 Conference.
by Mark Price
As I looked around the crowded ballroom, I saw men and women from different age groups, cultures, and countries. The event was nearly filled to capacity, and the energy was amazing! I quickly gathered that this group was diverse in respect to doctrinal statements and worship practices. But I also realized our commonalities far outshined our differences. Our presence together testified of our mission to reach men and women, boys and girls for the cause of Jesus Christ.
To be honest, I felt proud—not that I had anything at all to do with it—proud that Free Will Baptists were leading the way for quality events of this nature for family ministry. Of course, I am talking about the annual D6 Conference. I have attended two of these conferences and benefitted greatly from them as a pastor, husband, and dad. You should consider attending this year’s conference for several reasons.
Unforgettable Experience
The dynamic of attending a conference of this nature is unparalleled. Church leaders and parents from every walk of life gather for one purpose—generational discipleship. This conference is founded on the biblical directive found in the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-7). This has always been God’s plan for families.
The resources you will have available to you; from speakers who are experts in their respective fields, to books, DVDs, materials, and curriculum (all second, at best, to our own D6 curriculum) are abundant and affordable. Last year, I enjoyed the privilege of having lunch and discussing ministry with pastor and author Steve Stroop. With nearly 60 speakers, you will have opportunity to interact personally with some of them.
Renewal and Fellowship
As you hear about how the local church is the hope of the family, you realize all over again the significance of your place, and how you can make a generational difference for eternity. If there were opportunity to answer the call to ministry a second time, it would look like this.
The fellowship is uplifting. I don’t know about you, but I find that ministry can become lonely at times. Being part of a conference like this reminds you that you are not in the battle alone. You have opportunity to create new friendships and nurture existing ones.
Affordability and Location
Honestly, there are not many beneficial events that present themselves for such a modest price, and the location could not be better. In addition to a one-day event in Dallas, Texas, D6 will also be hosted in Louisville, Kentucky, this year (this will be the full-scale event). Louisville is within a reasonable drive for most of you.
I encourage you to stop “thinking about it” and register for D6. Today. Take some dads and moms who are volunteer leaders with you. You will be glad you did. Your church will be glad you did. And the families who are yet to be reached will be glad you did.
It is time the church gets back to helping and equipping dads and moms, and grandparents so they are able to disciple their children, grandchildren, and the generations that are coming after us. They need to hear about Jesus too. Dads and moms are counting on us to provide what they need to stand in the gap in their homes. Our churches will benefit greatly from whatever investment we make in family ministry. I hope to see you in Louisville!
About the Writer: Mark Price is pastor of Porter Free Will Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Ohio, and serves as moderator for the Ohio State Association of Free Will Baptists. To register for the D6 Conference, visit www.D6Conference.com.