Oct/Nov 2006

more than ever before
To learn more about Free Will Baptist Bible College, visit the college website at www.fwbbc.edu. |
Since 1942, Free Will Baptist Bible College, located in Nashville, TN, has been producing pastors and missionaries, as well as lay people working in secular filds, sharing the love of Christ around the world.
Each year, this number gets larger and more influential than ever before. With all of the exciting opportunities for influence at FWBBC, we need your support more than ever. Please join us by supporting the Ketteman Student Scholarship Drive.

Named in honor of Paul Ketteman, the first stuent enrolled at the college, the money raised during this drive is used to fund institutional scholarships that help so many of our students not only get the skills needed to make a living, but also to make a life through FWBBC.
Visit the college website to learn more about making a donation to the college, or download a beautiful photo collage (in pdf format) of the college and catch a glimpse of the potential just waiting to be developed.