March 2013
Stewardship for
a Lifetime

How God Will Fund World Evangelism
by Mark McPeak
When God exceeds your expectations, maybe
He is trying to teach
you something.
After several years of financial shortfalls and mounting losses, the International Missions family entered 2012 with an almost desperate hope that God would help us, even rescue us. In fall 2011, General Director Clint Morgan called for the denomination to fast and pray for God’s intervention. In December, the board made the heart-wrenching decision to hold missionaries stateside until finances improved significantly. With low cash reserves and declining monthly income, it seemed we were facing a make-or-break year.
As we neared the end of 2012, we did so in awe. Most months were strong financially. We received several significant and extremely generous gifts (some from estates). A historic World Missions Offering in excess of $1 million overwhelmed us. We had hoped to simply survive the year and see a few hopeful signs. Instead, we saw the beginnings of a financial turnaround.
Understanding we are not completely out of the woods financially, we move forward in efforts to fund the work of global evangelism. We do so having learned some important lessons from our time of difficulty—lessons we will apply in our strategies and tactics from this point forward.
Begin with prayer and dependence on the Lord.
Scripture makes it clear, as it relates to the His work, “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it” (Psalm 127:1). We know God wants us to plan and work diligently, but our clever strategies and strenuous work come to nothing if God is not in the effort. When the International Missions family and our friends in the denomination cried out to God humbly for financial help, He responded. We fully believe God began to work in the hearts of Free Will Baptist people, where we cannot work. We believe the miracles we have seen this year are His response to our prayers for help.
Share the need and challenge people to be obedient.
Since it is His work, we can depend on Him to provide the resources to complete it. So, our plan is to share with God’s people the needs for more workers and funds around the world. We will encourage them to pray, asking God what He wants them to do as their part in fulfilling His plan. The final challenge is for them simply to obey.
In 2012, the World Missions Offering taught us this lesson. We asked Free Will Baptist churches to sign up to participate in the offering. We did not set lofty monetary goals or tell churches what they should give. Rather, we set a goal to sign up 650 churches.
We began to see God work. More and more churches signed up. We surpassed our goal, reaching 731 churches, including 20 from our mission fields. As we began to hear from churches, the stories were remarkably the same. In church after church, pastors and leaders told us they challenged their people—sometimes with a goal—to give as the Lord was leading them. Over and over, we heard stories of God showing up in amazing ways, helping them achieve more than they even hoped. Goals were surpassed. People were inspired. And, as the totals came rolling in, we could not believe what God had done.
Put your faith in God, but tie your camel tight.
If you have heard General Director Clint Morgan speak, you have probably heard him share at least one African proverb. The one that applies to our funding plan is “Put your faith in God, but tie your camel tight.” As we trust God to do what only He can do, we then work as hard as we possibly can—doing what He has called us to do. We believe this is the strategy to which God has called us.
Regular monthly income is still the lifeblood of the Mission’s funding.
While we are incredibly thankful for the amazing 2012 WMO, and will push for another strong one in 2013, we must have ongoing monthly income. We are asking God to help us as we challenge each individual to make a monthly commitment and every church to add IM to its budget. In 2012, more than two-thirds (77%) of our income is the result of regular monthly support.
We must work together to do more than ever before to reach the lost.
As the world experienced a global financial crisis, the need for the gospel did not decline. “Lostness” is ongoing. People still need the precious gift of the gospel. And God still calls missionaries to take the message to them. We are excited about the caliber of young people God is calling to go through International Missions, and we trust God to work through His people to support them.
About the Writer: Mark McPeak is director of advancement for Free Will Baptist International Missions. Learn more about the World Missions Offering at www.fwbgo.com/wmo.
It Takes Everyone
The World Missions Offering needs your participation.
Don’t know where to start? Let us help you! Visit FWBGO.com/wmo and register your church to participate. Download videos, bulletin inserts, stories, and other items. Order coin banks, offering envelopes, and more to help you lead your church to a record-setting WMO. Additionally,
Give a scriptural context. Some members may have a limited understanding of the need to take the gospel around the world. Recognizing every Christian’s responsibility to share the truth of Jesus’ grace may lead them to talk to their neighbors as well as send others to tell the nations.
Recruit a team. One person does not need to be responsible for everything. Engage a team to brainstorm ideas to promote the WMO in your church and to implement the best ideas.
Determine the scope. Will we just focus on a World Missions Offering? Will we have a month-long emphasis? Do we want to build up to emphasis month with monthly missions moments? Should we plan a missions banquet? What can we do in children’s church? Questions like these will help you focus.
Promote. IM offers assistance in promoting the WMO. Order coin banks, WMO videos, offering envelopes and other supplies from us. Some are free; some have a small cost attached.
Pray. Bathe your World Missions Offering in prayer. God moves in hearts as His people pray. Consider participating in WNAC’s PreEaster Week of Prayer for International Missions.
Encourage. Recognize your church’s efforts to promote the offering. Praise them for their participation.
Evaluate. What went really well? What would you choose to do differently? How can we improve? Did we start planning early enough? How can we incorporate a missions emphasis throughout the year?
Contact us and let us know how we can help you: