September 2012
Faith, Family &

Where Do I Go From Here?
by Ron Hunter Jr.
When was the last time your GPS was not working, you had no cell signal, and no map in an unfamiliar area? The feeling of the unknown can be a bit unsettling. Many wrong turns result from not having clear instructions or good guidance.
Imagine a scenario where you suddenly have to sit in the cockpit and pilot a plane to a safe landing. You would immediately get on the radio and see if someone on the other end could tell you what to do, where to go, and ask for step-by-step instructions because your life depended on it.
Is a person’s spiritual life any less significant? A new believer should not expect any less when beginning his or her journey of faith. Just like flying, you need a destination, a guide, a map, and place to be outfitted for the journey.
One of the most frequently asked questions deals with what type of new convert or new member studies Randall House offers. It has been nearly 20 years since Free Will Baptists published a new convert or new member study. Pastors consistently seek better ways to help people understand their faith, Free Will Baptist doctrine and history, and how to help them become a vital part of the local church. The Great Commission is not limited to outreach or winning someone to Christ. Matthew 28 commands all Christians to disciple the new believers and teach them how to follow God. Where do you begin, and what should you teach?
For the past six years, I have asked numerous pastors if they have developed a study for new believers. Many have adapted by teaching a series of lessons including various topics from multiple books, but none felt that Free Will Baptist doctrine, history, and church polity were adequately covered in what they were teaching. These pastors all wanted a study produced by Free Will Baptists for Free Will Baptists.
Two years ago, I proposed a concept for the Free Will Baptist Guide for New Believers, Journey of a Lifetime for New Believers and Members to our publishing board—the group that reviews book proposals. The proposal included surveying numerous Free Will Baptist pastors about the topics they felt needed to be included in the study.
Once the 12 topics were determined, as general editor, I wrote an outline for each chapter, giving the book a hiking metaphor to tie the chapters together. The challenge of the project included finding a different Free Will Baptist pastor to write each chapter. This was no easy task.
The pastor had to be able to write credibly about the topic assigned, meet deadlines, and work with the general editor.
Each pastor selected knew he was part of a larger writing group, but no one knew the others involved. Each willingly trusted to be part of something significant as a diverse set of writers with one common goal.
Pastors gladly came together to produce this needed resource to help new believers become mature Christ-followers who will make a difference in their local churches. Readers have access to a free downloadable teacher’s guide to assist in teaching the material. New believers feel very much like strangers in a foreign land. The Free Will Baptist Guide for New Believers provides what is needed to start the journey of a lifetime. This self-guided resource, combined with an instructional review of each chapter by a pastor or staff member, will show new believers the way in their new lives.
Some pastors will teach this during a small group setting, LifeGroup, or Sunday School. When students work through the lessons, it provides a natural segue to be part of a regular Sunday School class, LifeGroup, or small group. Some will teach all 12 lessons, some will allow the student to do all 12 and only teach specific lessons. Pastors may also lead their entire church through this study as a refresher. Whatever way, the Free Will Baptist Guide for New Believers is used, it will help new members, long-standing members, and the denomination go further on this journey.
About the General Editor: Ron Hunter Jr. has been married to his college sweetheart, Pamela, since 1987. They have a son and a daughter, Michael and Lauren. Since 2002, Ron has served as the executive director and CEO of Randall House. Ron’s distinct approach to leadership, blending creative style and visionary outlook, has led Randall House into new arenas and ministry directions that include D6 Curriculum and the D6 Conference. He wrote Toy Box Leadership, published by Thomas Nelson, which was translated into two other languages. He has written more than 30 articles for eight magazines in addition to the Leader Profile column he writes for ONE Magazine. Ron served in ministry in both Florida and Tennessee for 11 years before his present role. He has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Pastoral Training from FWBBC, Masters in Public Administration in non-profit management from the University of Colorado, and currently is working on his Ph.D. in Leadership at Dallas Baptist University.
Free Will Baptist Guide for New Believers
Table of Contents
Your Path – Greg McAlister
Salvation, Free Will Versus Predestination, Assurance
Your Road Map Part 1 – Casey Cariker
Daily Bible Reading, Authority of Scripture, Inerrancy, Prayer
Your Road Map Part 2 – Tommy Swindol
How to Study the Bible, Find Biblical Answers, Memorization
Your Outfitter – Where We Get Equipped – Tim Stout
The Local Church, Pastor, Teachers, Accountability
Your Guide – God Part 1 – Paul Harrison
The Trinity, Attributes of God
Your Guide – God Part 2 – Rodney Holloman
Roles of God, His Involvement in the World Today
Your Destination – Rob Morgan and Dale Burden
Heaven and the Ordinances of Baptism, Communion, and Feet Washing
Your Obstacles – Kevin Riggs
Satan, Hell, and How to Overcome Temptation
Your Etiquette – David Trogdon
Free Will, Liberty, Grace, Attitudes Toward Others, Free Will Baptist Covenant
Your Itinerary – Stewardship – Randy Wilson
Spiritual Gifts and Stewardship
Your Responsibility – Witness – David Potete and Gowdy Cannon
Testimony, Backsliding, Apostasy, Sharing Christ With Others
Your Heritage – Melvin Worthington
Church History, Free Will Baptist History, Overview of Free Will Baptist Structure