March 2016
More Than Money

Found Faithful
By Dexter Guin
As I considered writing an article on stewardship, my mind went to several obvious areas where we all should be good stewards—time, talent, and money. Certainly, no pastor would downgrade or downplay the need for faithfulness in any of these areas.Yet, being a good steward shouldn’t be limited to a few areas of our lives, but rather, it should be in every area of our Christian walk.
As a teenager, I remember hearing my pastor, M.H. (Hank) Hollis, saying again and again in his sermons, “You may not be able to do some things, but one thing everyone can be is faithful.” He was so right. The Bible says, “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2). Faithfulness is a requirement in every area of the Christian life if we are to have a positive impact on the world. It really doesn’t matter what area of stewardship we are discussing; if we are not faithful, we are ineffective in the larger scope of life.
Being good stewards of time certainly requires faithfulness to attend church in a timely and consistent manner. When families are not faithful to church, it will, in time, come back to bite them as they watch their children grow with no desire to go to church at all. So many people have destroyed their influence with family, friends, and acquaintances because they were not good stewards of time. They were not faithful regarding spiritual matters.
We certainly can’t think of stewardship without money coming to mind. Good stewardship of our money requires that we manage income wisely and budget well. I do not recall a time in my ministry when so many families were on the brink of financial disaster. The economy may not be strong, but in my experience it is not the economy that has put them in jeopardy but personal debt resulting from buying things they don’t need or can’t afford.
As a result of improper budgeting, they struggle just to stay afloat financially. Of course, one of the first things cut (or even considered at this point) is their tithing to church and giving to missions. Again, good financial stewardship is required— mandated if you please—with the blessings God gives us. We must budget personal finances in a way that we not only provide for our families but the work of God as well.
A final thought on stewardship regards our talents. I am convinced there is much hidden talent among God’s people. Talented and gifted people attend our churches, and sadly, many people never use their talents for building the Kingdom of God. How many pastors and churches would not bear unnecessary burdens or try to make square pegs fit round holes if these talented church members would just step up to the plate and make themselves available.
I was overwhelmed with joy one Sunday when one of our ladies volunteered for a certain job. As it turned out, she had done that very job in another church for more than 30 years. She had the talent, the experience, and the know-how all the time; they just needed to be put to use. I wonder how many jobs go undone in our churches because Christians are not good stewards of their talents and do not find their place of service.
Again, Scripture commands us, “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” Let’s be good, faithful stewards in every area of our lives, so nothing will be lacking in the Kingdom work of God.
About the Writer: Dexter Guin is a Free Will Baptist church planter serving in Colorado Springs, Colorado. For more information about North American Ministries, visit www.FWBNAM.com.