
A firsthand report
By Van Dale Hudson
For more information about the FWB Home Missions Department (now North American Ministries), please visit www.FWBNAM.com. |
GOD IS DOING A WONDERFUL WORK at the Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Bible Institute in Inman, South Carolina. I had the privilege to participate in the Second Annual International Bible Conference held May 4-6, 2006, at the First FWB Church. What a joyous delight to see firsthand the fruit being produced by this vibrant, flourishing missionary outreach!
Pastors and leaders who currently minister to Hispanic congregations came from South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Oklahoma, Florida, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Mississippi to lend their support to the conference. Local choirs from Inman, Una, and Westgate sang with great enthusiasm. Solos in both Spanish and English stirred the hearts of attendees. Hearing the congregation sing together in both languages was a unique blessing.
The delicious fiesta meal served on Saturday provided fellowship marked by high levels of excitement as participantes realized what God is doing to reach the vast number of Hispanic peoples.

All the sermons were delivered in both English and Spanish. Speakers included Karl Sexton, Pastor, Gateway FWB Church, Virginia Beach, VA; Gerardo Rodriguez, Hispanic Pastor, Una, SC; Lorenza Stox, Pastor, Parkers Chapel FWB Church, Greenville, NC; Shane Wilson, Church Planter, Johnson City, TN; Fernando Bustamante, Hispanic Pastor, Effingham, SC; and Evangelist Van Dale Hudson, Amory, MS.
Although I have conducted more than 1,600 revivals in Free Will Baptist churches, including 19 revivals at the Inman church, this was my first experience in preaching with the help of an interpreter. To say it was a distinct blessing is an understatement. I did exercise discipline and cut the normal content of the sermons considerably. Some of my Mississippi “phraseology” took a moment to translate, and of course, some words have no equivalent in Spanish.
The Institute is in its third year of service. During that time, thirty-seven students have graduated, and thirty-one are already involved in ministry. As the Hispanic population continues to grow in America, may God continue to use the Bible Institute to train workers to carry the good news to those who need to hear. This ministry is certainly worthy of ongoing and growing support as it expands across the nation and beyond.

A veteran evangelist, Van Dale Hudson has preached more than 1,600 revivals in hundreds of churches across the nation. He and his wife Sandy live in Amory, Mississippi where they own Hudson's Christian bookstore.