September 2014
Family: It Matters

First Glimpse
Up in Flames
Soft candlelight bathed the sanctuary in a gentle glow as a capacity crowd exchanged excited whispers. Smiling ushers seated grandmothers and mothers while haunting melodies swelled to a crescendo then faded into expectant silence—the moment had arrived.
“I uh, th…think this is us,” the nervous groom stuttered into the semi-darkness of the hallway where we waited.
I couldn’t help but smile, remembering my own pre-wedding jitters. “I think you’re right. Ready to go?”
“As ready as I’m gonna get,” he responded with a crooked grin. With that, we stepped through the doorway and walked solemnly to center stage. The wedding party made the usual grand entrance. Stunning bridesmaids, smiling groomsmen, adorable flower girls, and one nervous little ring bearer crowded the small stage—18 people in all. It was a tight squeeze.
When the back doors of the church opened, the crowd rose to its feet spontaneously, as the radiant bride walked slowly up the aisle on her father’s arm. She didn’t notice the crowd, the candles, even her bridesmaid friends. Her eyes fixed on the nervous young man waiting for her.
She and her father paused at the foot of the stage and looked up to where we stood waiting. It was my cue. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses…”
From the corner of my eyes, I saw the groom swallow…twice…and I hoped someone had told him not to lock his knees.
“…to join this man and woman in holy matrimony. Who gives this woman to this man?” After a moment of hesitation, the bride’s father responded, “Her mother and I.”
The bride kissed her father on the cheek and stepped to the stage to join the groom. It quickly became apparent that her long, flowing train required more space, so I stepped back to allow the maid of honor to adjust the beautiful gown around her.
It was only a moment before I smelled smoke, and with startling clarity, I realized I had backed into the bank of candles lining the stage behind me. I was on fire!
“Let us pray,” I stammered quickly, and for the next 30 seconds or so, I offered a somewhat distracted prayer (I’m sure God understood) while simultaneously beating out the smoldering cloth on my backside. When I opened my eyes after the amen, I expected to see hundreds of horrified faces, but no one seemed to notice, not even the bride and groom. I guess no one expects the preacher to go up in flames at a wedding.
The rest of the ceremony went smoothly, and before long, the newlyweds were dashing through a cloud of bubbles toward their car while I silently thanked God that I hadn’t become the next viral video on YouTube.
Eric K. Thomsen is managing editor of ONE Magazine. Contact him at editor@nafwb.org.