Why Me, Lord?
I’m sure Moses jumped a foot off the ground when the bush burst into flames before him and the voice of God began to thunder (Exodus 3). He listened in disbelief as God told him he would become the leader of Israel; confront Pharoah, the most powerful ruler on earth; and lead the People from slavery in Egypt.
A new and dangerous mission was the last thing Moses wanted. “Who am I?” he responded quickly. “Nobody will listen to me. I don’t have credibility. I’m not eloquent or quick on my feet” (Exodus 4:1, 10).
“Why me, Lord?”
It’s a common response when God calls us from comfort and routine.
When told he would save Israel from the marauders of Midian (Judges 6), Gideon protested. “How will I save Israel? I am the least important member of the weakest family in the tribe.”
“Why me, Lord?”
Two days after his great victory over the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, Elijah found himself lying under a shade tree in the wilderness (1 Kings 19:4), frightened and exhausted.
“I’m the only faithful one left. I can’t go on. Just let me die.”
“Why me, Lord?”
Jonah told God, “I’d rather die than see Ninevah repent” (Jonah 4:2-4).
“Why me, Lord?”
I can almost see Peter shaking his shaggy head slowly. “But we spent all night fishing and didn’t catch anything. It doesn’t make any sense to put the nets back in the water” (Luke 5:4).
“Why me, Lord?”
Time and again, God’s response to their muttered excuses was the same. “I will go with you, I will equip you, and I will give you success.” And He didn’t give them an option.
“Why not you?”
It is the question He still asks today.
“I’m not qualified,” you say. That’s what Moses thought.
“I don’t have the leadership skills.” Neither did Gideon.
“I’ve already done my part for God.” So had Elijah, but God hadn’t finished with him.
“It’s dangerous.” No kidding! Just ask Jonah how dangerous it is to run from God’s will.
“It doesn’t make sense.” Peter would agree.
Still, God’s Word makes it clear. God wants you.
“Why me, Lord?”
Because He can—and will—use you just as you are. He doesn’t expect you to know all the answers. He knows your shortcomings, your weaknesses, your limitations, and He is able to work in spite of them. He simply needs people willing to say yes. He will do the rest.