FIRST GLIMPSE: The untitled editorial
Eric Thomsen is the managing editor of ONE Magazine. Send comments and observations about ONE to editor@nafwb.org.
I don’t want to write this editorial. It’s a strange feeling for a guy who has been passionate about writing since kindergarten. In truth, my reluctance to write has little to do with my love affair with nouns, verbs, and well-constructed sentences. I remain mesmerized by the intricacies of my craft.
Why then, do I hesitate to write this particular piece? It’s your fault.
Let me explain. Perhaps you noticed the recent expansion of ONE Magazine from 48 to 56 pages (April-May 2007). In my quest to fill the additional pages for the current issue, I read scores of articles submitted by ONE readers. I scanned state newsletters, browsed personal blogs, and pored over a file drawer flowing with church newsletters.
The experience was humbling. From upper Ohio to the lower Okeefenokee, Hanford to the “hollers” of West Virginia, Free Will Baptist writers are a talented bunch. The words stirred me to tears, made me laugh aloud, and, at times, drove me to my knees. I wish I could print them all. I can’t. At least not in this issue.
I don’t want to write this editorial. This time I'm going to share the space...
How can today’s godly woman halt the downward spiral? She must raise the bar for the next generation…She must model the biblical principles of womanhood before her daughters and her sons, creating a lasting example for the coming generation to follow.
From “The Evolution of Eve,” by Robin Hawkins, city, OH
In the frenzy of our busy lives, we easily forget God and his passion for us. We forget He lives within and around us and loves us with eternal affection. We need the small things to signify His presence. Blue can be one of those reminders…
From “Blue Sky” by Rena Barnhill Brewer, Albany, GA
Refresh yourself often in the Word of God and in prayer. Ben Patterson is right: “prayerlessness is its own punishment.” Linger on that statement for a moment. If you are too busy to stop, read, meditate, and pray, you are too busy.” Nothing elaborate is needed. Perhaps you can only squeeze fifteen minutes from your morning, but they will be the most powerful fifteen minutes of the day if you share them with God.
From “Go Fly a Kite” by Matt Crain, Johnston City, IL
Many other “stains” cause us to judge others by their looks. When we limit ourselves to those who appear to be “stain free,” we miss many blessings…when we judge people only by appearance we limit their value and deprive ourselves the blessings of an wholesome relationship.
From “The Stain,” by Rhonda Hodges, Hanford, CA
Interested in writing for ONE Magazine? Request submission guidelines at:
ONE Magazine
PO Box 5002
Antioch, TN 37011-5002