Eric Thomsen is the managing editor of ONE Magazine. Send comments and observations about ONE to editor@nafwb.org.
To learn more about the World Missions Offering, visit www.fwbgo.com
Ten-year-old Emanuel Moses Matemba has an infectious smile, stretching wide to reveal even, white teeth. His sparkling brown eyes and ebony skin gleaming in the bright sunshine provide a sharp contrast to his drab surroundings.
He likes school; his favorite subject is math. According to his teachers, Emanuel is an excellent student, second in his class of 128. He loves to play soccer and marbles when he is not busy with his chores—carrying water, gathering firewood, and caring for the animals.
I’m proud of Emanuel. You see, he’s my child, has been since he was five years old. Each month, my wife and I, along with others from our church, send a few dollars to provide him (and his seven brothers and sisters) food, clothing, hygiene products, and—most important—a Christian education. In a recent letter, with excitement bubbling in every word, Emanuel said, “You will be happy to know that I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.” He was right. I cried as I read the letter.
Photos: Emanuel at age 4 (above) and at age 10 (below)
Life in the AIDS-saturated country of Tanzania is not always easy for Emanuel. His letter turns somber. “For my mother and father, please keep praying to accept Jesus and stop drinking at all.” My heart breaks as I read between the lines of Emanuel’s life. I can only hope perhaps the love of Christ can break the cycle of hopeless desperation for his family.
You may ask, “Why give money to a child a world away, a child you probably will never meet?” The answer has much to do with Emanuel’s sister (my daughter that is). When she was only an infant, my wife and I decided to do everything in our power to expose her to God’s work around the world. Whether she becomes a career missionary or not, we want Victoria to understand the importance of missions to every believer. She can relate to Emanuel!
Below are some of the ideas we have used as we strive to fulfill that goal. Many are suggestions from the parents of active missionaries—responses to our questions about how they produced missions-minded children.
Missions prayer board. A large bulletin board hangs beside our refrigerator. We pray for specific missionaries and their requests.
Focused giving. Recently, Victoria chose to give two dollars a month to help build the church in Villalba, Spain.
Firsthand experience. At age 7, Victoria has visited 34 states, 26 on church-related missions trips. Next year, we plan to visit Spain. In the meantime, we are praying and preparing as we learn Spanish together.
Missionary prayer cards. We gave our daughter her first set of prayer cards before she could read…but she loved the pictures! It is not unusual to find Victoria in her room with cards spread out in front of her, reading about missionaries and their fields.
Take a missionary to lunch. We deliberately interact with missionaries whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Give to the World Missions Offering. Few things are more exciting to a parent than watching a child drop carefully hoarded coins into a “Change the World” bank with a huge smile on her face.
Sponsor a child. Many Christian relief organizations allow donors to meet the desperate needs of children half a world away. Compassion International (Emanuel's provider) is one of many. To sponsor a child, click on the LInk below.
