April-May 2010
Moved by Compassion: A Heart for World Missions

I continue to be amazed and grateful to God for the hundreds of people coming to Christ through the faithful efforts of our Home Missions North America church planters. From the Mid-Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains Region, they are “salt and light” on new frontiers, touching hundreds of lives with the eternal truth that Jesus saves!
Finishing Strong and Starting Well
by Larry Powell
Wonderful Response
During 2009, several church planters’ accounts slipped gradually into a deficit. We sent out an appeal letter for those accounts, and it has been truly amazing to see the response from churches and faithful supporters.
In particular, I want to mention the Gahanna Free Will Baptist Church in Gahanna, Ohio, pastored by Curtis Booth. This congregation responded with a gift of $65,000 to erase all of the deficit missionary accounts. Home Missions is deeply grateful for this pastor and congregation who helped us end 2009 with no deficit missionary accounts.
A New Church in Puerto Rico
Jose and Suhey are natives of Puerto Rico. They recently graduated from Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Free Will Baptist Seminary in Inman, South Carolina. It is their desire to return to Puerto Rico to plant a Free Will Baptist church and minister to those who need the Lord.
Jose, Suhey, and their two children have already moved to Puerto Rico to live temporarily with Jose’s parents in Trujillo Alto. Let me encourage states and churches that understand the urgency of starting a work in Puerto Rico to send funds to the Jose Correa account. Meanwhile, pray for this young family as they settle into the place where God has called them to labor.

Introducing Darin and Joy Alvis
Darin and Joy Alvis are associate missionaries to Buffalo, New York. They will work with home missionaries Brian and Emily Williams to plant a Free Will Baptist church in that area. Darin is a graduate of Southeastern Free Will Baptist College with a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Pastoral Theology and a minor in Missions.
Darin and Joy have three children: Dalton, Dylan, and Melissa. Buffalo is the second largest city in New York State with a population of more than 300,000. Please pray for the Alvis family as they make the transition to Buffalo.
About the Writer: Larry Powell is general director of the Free Will Baptist Home Missions Department. Learn more at www.homemissions.net. |