September 2014
Family: It Matters

The Fasting Mother
by Rachel D.
When women talk about their roles and responsibilities as mothers, fasting is rarely mentioned, if even considered. I am learning, though, that fasting has powerful implications in family life. Fasting is altogether rather new to me as a regular spiritual discipline. I have only practiced it with any regularity within the past few months. But I have already seen powerful effects on my walk with Christ and on my family.
First, fasting causes me to rely on God in a whole new way. When hunger (or, more frequently, a craving) strikes, I am reminded to seek the face of God once again. Walking in the Spirit becomes a moment-by-moment reality as I turn to Him to keep me from being irritable, from complaining, or from giving in to weakness. Others have affirmed what I have experienced in my own life is true in theirs as well. When we fast, we are more in tune with the Spirit, and more inclined to hear His voice than on average days.
Second, fasting allows me more time to pray for my family. While I occasionally undertake a longer fast, mine typically covers only one meal—breakfast. Mornings are usually hectic, as we get ready for school. When I remove my need for nourishment in the morning, I am less stressed, less hurried, and more focused on my husband and children. I have extra time to re-commit them to God, to pray over their hearts and their day, and to ask God to guide me as a mother—whether that day’s particular need is for gentleness in the face of frustrations or wisdom to deal with the challenges of training.
Now, don’t think I’m one of those people who doesn’t like breakfast. I’ve always preferred to eat as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning. And there are still mornings when I do eat. I’m not a legalist. I just see a profound difference in our family’s day when I fast intentionally.
Third, intentionally fasting tempers my fleshly reaction when I am involuntarily left hungry, thirsty, waiting, or worse. Mothers are typically the last to eat, generally take what’s left over, and rarely get to eat a meal uninterrupted. When I am accustomed to placing myself in a state of want, I am less likely to complain or react strongly when circumstances like these are beyond my control.
Fourth, fasting has a direct impact on spiritual warfare. If we are followers of Christ, we are automatically engaged in spiritual warfare. Jesus showed us a direct correlation between fasting and spiritual power. He fasted and prayed before His temptation in the wilderness.
He explained when casting out demons, “This kind does not come out but by prayer and fasting.” If I hope to be an effective watcher in our family (Proverbs 31:27), specific, focused prayer (at times accompanied by fasting) should be a regular part of my role as a wife and mother. There is no more powerful thing I can do for my family than to pray the presence and work of the Holy Spirit into their lives. He can keep them from the evil one.
As the keeper of the home, wives and mothers have a unique position as we see and respond to the needs of our husbands and our children. When our walk with Christ is close and constant, the spiritual, physical, and emotional blessings flow out to the rest of the family. Joy, peace, and love reign in the home. And grace, mercy, and forgiveness abound when the flesh desires to get in the way. What power God gives us, if only we will avail ourselves of it.
About the Writer: Rachel, a wife and mom of three boys, works overseas serving North African immigrants in Europe.
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