February-March 2021
Ripple Effects

The Farmer
By Joshua Eidson
The farmer is a steward of the land.
The farmer is a conservationist of natural resources.
The farmer invests his time, sweat, blood, and money to produce a harvest.
The farmer lives out the blessing of the first God-ordained job: tend the garden.
The farmer endures the curse of man’s sin by beating back the thorns.
The farmer knows the fulfillment of a hard-day’s work.
The farmer rests well after a long day of effort.
The farmer leaves a legacy of discipline, enduring work-ethic, and intimacy with creation.
The good farmer leaves a legacy of faithfulness and intimacy with the Creator, as he knows the blessings of the land he has enjoyed come from the Creator.
The good farmer enjoys the closeness of working hand-in-hand with the Creator.
The farmer provides us with a multifaceted picture of a faithful steward. Farmers are a blessing to their family and community as disciplined colaborers with God, producing a bounty that provides nourishment to everyone around. This legacy leaves an example worth following.
This may be an idealistic picture of a farmer, but the unique role the farmer serves paints a vivid example of who we are called to be as stewards of our faith, family, and finances. The farmer can teach us much about the value of working with what you have and not being wasteful. When we seek to fully utilize the blessings God provides, He can make them go further than we can imagine (Matthew 14-15). God delights in us when we work hard with His blessings and provisions. If we can be faithful in the small matters, He may entrust us with weightier responsibilities and blessings (Matthew 25).
I find the example of the farmer helpful as a reminder of the qualities I want to possess and work towards developing in myself. And, by God’s grace, if we faithfully live this example, we can leave behind a godly legacy for our children. As Marcus Aurelius wrote, we must stop asking what a good man is and start being one! Live a faithful and wise life that will be a worthy inheritance and example for your family.
About the Writer: Joshua Eidson is accounting administrator for the Free Will Baptist Board of Retirement. He graduated in 2007 with a B.S. in business administration from Welch College. He has over 13 years of experience in finance and accounting.