I GLANCED AROUND HER LIVING ROOM. It wasn’t elaborately decorated, nor did it have the latest television and media center. It was simple…just like the lady perched in the recliner. Lucille sat surrounded by craft supplies, a telephone, and her Bible. Although she’s not famous, she is a hero to many missionaries who have visited the WNAC Provision Closet.
Lucille Steward has spent many years of her life working with Michigan Women Active for Christ, leading them to contribute thousands of dollars’ worth of towels, sheets, Tupperware, dishes, and almost any other item a missionary might need. Each year at the Michigan state meeting, each district contributes to a huge collection of supplies. Until she was no longer physically able, Lucille rented a U-Haul truck and personally transported the compilation to the Provision Closet in Antioch, TN.
Health problems haven’t stopped this tenacious lady. She continues to help others by spending her time making and selling crafts for money to give to missions.
She also uses her telephone to keep in touch with missionaries and to make sure they have the items they need and want. In fact, when we were in Michigan on our last stateside assignment, I received a call from Miss Lucille. “Come to my house. I have something for the kids.” When I arrived, she provided each of them a gift picked with their unique interests in mind. Her action made a profound impact on me. This lady was suffering physically; yet she remembered two little MKs from Spain were in the States, and she made sure they felt special.

Tears stream down my face as I write this. I think of the many (and I do mean many) times I have used my dishcloths and towels from the Provision Closet. I think of the silverware that has spooned out numerous meals to people here in Spain. And, in this day and age of phone and gift cards, I am especially grateful for the minutes I’ve been able to talk without the worry of running up an expensive phone bill.
Through my tears, I am reminded that God calls each of us to use faithfully the gifts, talents, and time He has given us. We may teach a Sunday school class, visit someone who is lonely, or share our faith with a co-worker.
Lucille Steward dedicates her life to the cause of missions…without ever visiting a mission field. From her recliner in Royal Oak, Michigan, she has made an impact on the world.
Her name fits her well. She is a truly a faithful “steward.”
Kristi Johnson and her husband Tim have used items from the WNAC Provision Closet since they began their ministry in Spain in 1998.