June-July 2023
All Together Now

Everyday Foundations from Randall House & D6 Family Ministries
In this day of eroding morals and shifting values, how do you equip people to stand for truth? A confident knowledge of God’s Word and a clear understanding of how to apply it for real life is essential. D6 EveryDay Foundations provides solid biblical exegesis, applied scriptural principles, and detailed studies of key Old and New Testament characters. This foundation of Christ and the unshakeable Word of God constructs a solid groundwork for one’s faith.
D6 EveryDay Foundations curriculum helps build confidence in the unchanging, enduring, and authoritative Word of God. The three-year curriculum plan explores key passages of the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing major characters and themes, and applying God’s Word to current cultural issues.
But is what we learn at church enough? No! Even if a student never misses a single Sunday, the challenge of being rooted and grounded in Scripture is too much for curriculum alone. We must depend on at-home partnership with families and the faithful work of the Holy Spirit, so truth goes beyond head knowledge to heart knowledge, anchored in a permanent place. Combining at-church and at-home tools, D6 helps churches equip parents with mortar for the building blocks of faith.
Before we look at what is new, consider what is NOT changing, the features that set D6 Curriculum above others:
High view of Scripture
Church and home emphasis and resources
Family alignment and resources for every age
Practical biblical application
Intentional focus on developing biblical literacy and a biblical worldview
New Features and Enhancements
D6 EveryDay Foundations will be published in two-month blocks rather than 13-week quarters, so you’ll order six times a year instead of four.
Why this change?
Research and surveys reveal many churches and groups prefer four to ten week Bible studies over longer studies. Beginning in September 2023, D6 EveryDay Foundations will transition to two-month blocks, while still following a three-year scope and sequence.
These six, two-month blocks provide:
More starting points to make it easier for newcomers to join existing classes and groups
More times to emphasize and promote discipleship
More opportunities to grow by starting new groups
The first block will cover September and October 2023. This coincides with the usual starting points for church and school schedules. The next block will cover November and December (replacing the awkward December-February quarter). January provides another natural starting point, so the January-February block offers a great opportunity to promote discipleship classes and groups during your New Year initiatives. D6 EveryDay Foundations will round out the year with the March-April block, May-June block, and July-August block.
D6 EveryDay Foundations facilitates new opportunities to grow and promote generational discipleship every two months, six opportunities every year for churches to:
Promote discipleship initiatives
Invite people to Sunday School or Life Groups
Emphasize and encourage at-home discipleship through devotional study guides
D6 EveryDay Foundations will cover the same number of lessons every year, but in six blocks rather than four quarters. Classic curriculum will follow the same two-month block schedule, so churches using D6 and Classic can order both together.

D6 EveryDay Foundations comes with new Teaching Essentials (replacing the current Teaching Resources).
We’re expanding the usability of the teaching components (posters, handouts, take-home papers, and more) by offering one set of Teaching Essentials for each age range (not age group): preschool, elementary, teen, and adult. Every set of Teaching Essentials will include a teaching guide (teacher/lesson book).
Teen and adult groups will use a hybrid Teaching Guide Plus Essentials. Teaching essentials are downloadable with the code in the teaching guide (no extra teaching essentials to order).
D6 EveryDay Foundations reduces the number of components, making it easier to know exactly what you need.
Why this change?
New Teaching Essentials accommodate a wider age range in a class and allow greater adaptability for students. We will continue to offer the appropriate devotional study guides for every age group:
Cuddle Time Storybook (ages 2-5)
Adventure Guide (grades K-2)
Explorer’s Guide (grades 3-5)
Velocity (young teen/middle school)
Forward (high school)
Brink (young adults without children)
Fusion Family (parents with children at home)
Fusion Next (adults without children at home)
We also will continue to offer our Bible Teacher (spiral bound), Bible Scholar, and Depth in the Classic curriculum line.
New ordering options!
To make ordering easier, we’re offering locked-in level billing for standing orders on a bank draft.
Price rate will lock in for the duration of the three-year scope and sequence (10% adjustment allowed from the initial order without losing the locked-in rate)
Curriculum cost for each block will be spread over two months (level billing) for easier budgeting
Order and payment will be processed automatically, so you know your account is current and you receive your resources at the right time
Obviously, a resource going from 13 lessons to 8 will be less expensive per unit, however purchasing 6 times a year rather than 4 will cost more. Locking in your rate will guarantee savings for the duration of the three-year curriculum cycle.
We are excited to see the impact these new enhancements in D6 EveryDay Foundations will have on our everyday lives. If you have any questions, our team is happy to help you: 800-877-7030 or randallhouse.com/contact. |