Oct/Nov 2006

by Roger Raper
To learn more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions, visit www.homemisions.net. |
HOME MISSIONARIES FACE UNTOLD CHALLENGES when they plant a church. While all of hell tries to stop them, Heaven cheers them on! Reaching and discipling people is the most rewarding yet most difficult task we face. But we face other significant challenges—like finding property and constructing a place to meet.

Today, a Free Will Baptist church stands in
the city
of Fort Collins, Colorado, as a visible
testimony of God’s faithfulness.
Years ago, Roy Thomas established the Church Extension Loan Fund (CELF) to help missionaries purchase property and build their facilities. Today, numerous churches have benefited from the CELF program, including the one I pastor. I’m so thankful for the vision of Roy Thomas and for those who invest in the fund.
Today, a Free Will Baptist church stands in the city of Fort Collins, Colorado, as a visible testimony of God’s faithfulness. Each week, visitors come inside to find out what’s going on. They find a Bible-friendly, Savior-sensitive church. They hear the old hymns sung and the Bible preached and they love it. Just last week, after visiting for the 3rd time, Mr. Foster and his wife hugged my neck after the service and thanked me for the preached Word with tears in their eyes. They were very thankful to find a fundamental church. They saw the sign and the building and decided to see for themselves. We appreciate the important role the Church Extension Loan Fund has played in our city. We appreciate those who invest in the program. Their investment means souls reached and lives changed. Their investment reaps eternal dividends!