October-November 2021
Celebrating 100 Issues of ONE Magazine

Equipping Servants for the Next 100 Issues
By John Brummitt
History (noun): a chronological record of significant events (such as those affecting an institution), often including an explanation of their causes.
As we look back over the last 16 years, many significant events have changed the Board of Retirement, and what we provide to the denomination. Assets under management at the Board of Retirement have grown from just under $30 million to over $100 million. Many plan developments have taken place over the last 16 years, including a plan document (to protect churches with the IRS regulations), the addition of investment options for participants, increased technology to allow participants more preparation tools for retirement, financial education resources (through the www.reinvestfwb.com website and podcast), and the list goes on. But those significant events in the history of the Board of Retirement aren’t events that highlight our goal and purpose at the Board of Retirement.
Our goal and purpose is to help Free Will Baptist denominational employees prepare for their retirement years and to create opportunities for ministry in retirement because of their financial preparation.
Earlier, I indicated we had grown assets from $30 million to $100 million since 2005, but we have also paid out over $40 million to participants during that same period. We have seen hundreds of denominational workers enter retirement and enjoy a new phase of ministry without the stress of working to meet living expenses.
That is not to say all participants stop working in retirement, because that is not the case. The majority continue into a new ministry once they retire. The ministries look different from their previous working careers but carry less stress and allow them opportunities they didn’t have before: travel to a mission field, develop a ministry to their grandchildren, or help support a struggling ministry through guidance and support.
The possibilities for ministry in retirement are endless. Pursue whatever the Lord puts on your heart because of financial preparation during your working career. Take advantage of many needed ministry opportunities that don’t have funding. If your retirement covers your expenses, you can fill the gap.
Over the last 16 years, the ministry impact of participants in their retirement years is staggering. Churches unable to pay a pastor found stable financial footing because retired pastors stepped into the position without pay. Their important ministry made it possible for churches to rebound and later hire a pastor.
Countless retirees have developed crucial local-church ministries because they were not hindered by a full-time job that limited availability. Other retirees enjoy road-tripping around the country in their RVs, helping churches and mission works for a month or two before heading off to the next location. They provide refreshment to the pastors and church planters in each new area.
These are only a handful of examples of how Free Will Baptist “retirees” have impacted the Kingdom. When I think of our history, the changes made to the retirement plan, and the growth we have seen, it all comes back to the ministry accomplished through individuals and organizations we serve. We are helping you prepare for your future ministry for the denomination and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
About the Author: John Brummitt became director of the Free Will Baptist Board of Retirement in January 2016. He graduated in 2011 with an MBA from Tennessee Tech University. A 2004 graduate of Welch College, he has been with the Board of Retirement since spring 2006. Learn more: www.boardofretirement.com.