March 2015
Living Trust

Taking a closer look at the ENGAGE Leadership Network...
By Brandon Roysden
The ENGAGE Leadership Network is an initiative from Randall House created to connect current and future leaders through learning and community for ministry and life. A major dysfunction of any group, organization, or family is isolation, so the goal is to create a place where leaders and prospective leaders can learn from one another and encourage others to be a part of something bigger than they are.
This initiative will begin as an online community through articles, forums, podcasts, and more, along with continuing events such as the ENGAGE Seminar Series and panel discussions at the National Association meeting of Free Will Baptists and the annual GATHERING of student ministry leaders in Orlando. Beyond these opportunities, we hope the future will bring even more chances for in-depth leadership training and personal connections between leaders who will shape the future of our churches, schools, families, and denomination.
Four Channels
As a basis for organizing content and events, the website will be divided into four main channels of influence: ENGAGE Kids, ENGAGE Students, E21, and ENGAGE Leaders. Each channel will host unique content as well as general leadership content that applies to each one.
ENGAGE Kids is a place where you can join other leaders who strive to reach children with the message of the gospel and build in them the foundation of a lifelong faith.
ENGAGE Students is for those who speak into the lives of tomorrow’s leaders. Whether you are a volunteer or veteran student ministry leader, we want you to be a part of a group dedicated to seeing faith lived out in the lives of students across the country.
E21 is for students and young adults who feel stuck between adolescence and adulthood. Often, they have the energy and ideas but just don’t know what next step to take in order to make a difference. For them, E21 (formerly FWB 21) is the place to be.
The ENGAGE Leaders channel is for general leadership development. You may be the pastor of a church or leader of a ministry. You may be the leader of a successful corporation or a struggling startup. You may be a single dreamer or a family stalwart. Either way, this channel is for those who want to be more of a leader today than they were yesterday and want to learn how others are leading in their contexts around the world.
How Can You Be Involved?
The easiest way for you to get involved is to visit the site at www.engageleaders.net and look around. Sign up to be on our email list, and we’ll be sure to get you news and information as we add new opportunities. Another good way to stay up-to-date and to find quotes and tips is to follow ENGAGE on social media (Twitter: @engageleader). We have accounts for each channel, so be sure to follow all the ones that apply to you. You can find a complete list online.
About the Writer: Brandon Roysden is director of events at Randall House Publications.