EveryOne:Reaching Farther Together
from the ends of the earth...
to the house next door
by Larry A. Powell
Learn more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist Home Missions at www.homemissions.net.
The mission of the Home Missions Department is North America. We reach families for Christ without leaving our homeland. God has a heart for the nations, including the neighborhood where you live. It is likely that the face of your neighborhood has changed during the past several years. By the year 2050, statistics tell us that 102.6 million Hispanics will call the United States home. And that is only one ethnic group of the dozens of ethnic populations growing quickly in America’s towns and cities.
Salt and Light in Lexington
Rufo Gomez and his family are sharing Christ with the Hispanic population in Lexington, Kentucky, where Dr. Gomez has a radio broadcast and marriage-counseling ministry. Sunday attendance at his mission church ranges from 95-135. He is reaching professionals and businessmen as well as those working at factories or farms. Recently his mission opened a new work in the neighboring city of Winchester.

Witnessing in West Palm
People from all regions of South America have relocated to West Palm, Florida. Andres Sancho is fervently sharing the gospel and winning people from many nationalities to Christ. His congregation recently had to move to a larger facility. The new meeting place will seat two hundred people. This talented, young preacher has the ability to connect with people and win them to Christ. He is building a strong Free Will Baptist church among the diverse people of West Palm.
Sowing in South Carolina
Fernando Bustamante is a tremendous soul winner. He is building a strong church in Effingham, South Carolina. He also has held services for two years in Columbia and recently opened a new mission at Evergreen FWB Church in Conway. Brother Fernando teaches practical methods of soul winning at the seminary in Inman and is training several young preachers for ministry in Mexico.
Opportunity in Oklahoma
The entire Botello family is involved in mission work in Oklahoma. Alfredo Botello is senior church planter in Bartlesville. The work has exceeded all expectation and has grown rapidly to a large group. Both of Alfredo’s sons are missionary pastors. Gamiel has begun a thriving mission in the Woodlawn area, and Israel has begun a mission in McAlester. What a talented family! We are blessed to have them in Oklahoma reaching the Hispanic community with the message of redemption.
Celebrating in California
The need to plant churches in California is crucial. Nationalities from all points of the globe are represented in this diverse and growing state. A church has been established in Chula Vista, and currently hasa congregation of 70. Two families from his church will return to Mexico to plant churches among the Mixteco Tribes using the Oto-Manguean language spoken by some 400,000 people.
The churches listed above represent only five of the 23 Hispanic mission works now established in several states. Much credit is due to the Gwen Hendrix Seminary in Inman. This school has produced 67 graduates working among the 45 million Hispanics in America. Rick Bowling, Director of Hispanic Ministries, under God’s anointing and leadership, will continue to aid in bringing success in our efforts to reach the Hispanics in North America.
About the Writer: Larry Powell is director of the Home Missions Department. Read more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist Home Missions at www.homemissions.net.