Passing faith along to the next generation doesn't come in a box sold for $199.99.
What Makes D6 Worth the Effort?
by Matt Markins
I’m a huge fan of the National
Football League. In high school, I was convinced I would play professional football. I’ve always been fascinated by what it takes to win a Super Bowl: dedication, hard work, and athletic talent. The greatest teams are willing to delay gratification, sacrifice, go above and beyond, and endure pain.
That’s what I see when I look at the team of people who make the D6 Conference a reality. I see people who understand the Word, embrace the vision, and are willing to lead others down the path toward God, even when it means great personal sacrifice.

From time to time, as I watch the Randall House staff make enormous sacrifices for D6, I ask myself if it is really worth it. And time and again, I answer yes. Randall House has been placed in a unique position for such a time as this. Recently, I heard Edwin Hayes, promotional director for the Ohio State Association, describe the mission of Randall House as “getting back to the Bible.” It’s true. The D6 Conference is about promoting the most effective way to transfer faith to the next generation—generational discipleship. It’s an ancient path being lived out in a culture whose slogan is “There’s an app for that.”
The North American church has become quite efficient at programming, and programming can be good. After all, organization and efficiency are good things. However, passing faith along to the next generation doesn’t come in a box sold for $199.99. It’s face-to-face, life-on-life. Resources help, but they will never replace the role of Dad and Mom when it comes to discipleship.
Through the D6 Conference, Randall House is bringing a timeless, God-centered message of generational discipleship to a church culture where it will be met with resistance. Change is very difficult. It is far easier to hand kids over to children and youth pastors and say, “You disciple them.” In contrast, it is difficult, time consuming, and messy to train parents to disciple their own children and teens.
So, what does this mean for Randall House? For whatever reason, God has allowed this small non-profit, Free Will Baptist organization to be the tip of the spear, taking faith back into the home, and piercing a culture that does not always appreciate the things of God. We are pioneers, and pioneering is difficult, dangerous work.
Is it worth it?
Absolutely! God is on the move in our culture, and He is using Randall House and the D6 Conference to light the way.
About the Writer: Matt Markins is director of the D6 Conference.

Looking Back at the 2010 D6 Conference
DALLAS, TX—Nearly 2,000 attendees from Canada, Ecuador, Norway, Scotland, Venezuela, 37 states, and 35 denominations streamed into Frisco, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, to attend the 2010 D6 Conference, September 15-17. The annual, three-day event sponsored by Randall House Publications focuses on building stronger families through mentoring, intentional parenting, and a strong connection between church and home.
D6 stands for Deuteronomy 6:5-7, the passage where God commands dads and moms to take advantage of everyday opportunities to impress God’s Word upon the hearts of their children.
Ed Stetzer, president of Lifeway Research; Kevin Leman, prolific author and marriage/family expert; and Carey Casey, CEO of the National Center for Fathering and director of the White House Task Force on Fatherhood and Healthy Families were among the dozens of speakers that headlined this year’s program.
The speakers and workshop presenters tackled difficult issues that threaten today’s families, offering suggestions and creative solutions. Mark Holmen, author of Faith at Home, defined D6 as a movement spreading across the world and invited listeners to join the growing number of families who have returned to the biblical model of parenting.
“This year’s speakers challenged all of us,” said Conference Director Matt Markins. “They inspired us, provoked us, and pushed us to do more to help parents realize the vital role they play in the lives of their children.”
Director Ron Hunter summed up the event in one word—momentum. “After a fantastic first year,” he said, “we gained credibility with conference attendees, and in our second year, we took a significant leap forward. D6 has become so much more than a conference. It has become a movement.”
The 2011 D6 Conference is scheduled for September 21-23. Visit www.d6conference.com to take advantage of early registration pricing.