
dynamic duo
by Sarah Fletcher
To find out more about Free Will Baptist ministries for men and women, visit www.nafwb.org/wnac or www.nafwb.org/mm. |
SALT AND PEPPER, BACON, AND EGGS, Master’s Men and Women Nationally Active for Christ—like so many famous pairs, it’s hard to think of one without the other.
Both organizations own the same goal. They encourage the laity to become involved in building God’s Kingdom. Both desire to be Great Commission ministries. The mission of WNAC is to help every woman find her place in the Great Commission through opportunities in the home, church, community, and around the world. Master’s Men exists to lead men into fellowship, discipleship, stewardship, soul-winning and edification. How do they do this? They involve ordinary men and women in extraordinary ministry opportunities.
Opportunities in Prayer
WNAC has long been associated with prayer and pray-ers. Each year, two dedicated weeks of prayer call not only women, but often whole congregations to focused, corporate prayer for missionaries and world evangelism. The Master’s Men’s prayer focus supports God’s servants (pastors) involved in reaching that same world.
Opportunities for Bible Study
Master’s Men and Women Nationally Active for Christ emphasize the importance of spending time in the Word. Both groups offer Bible-based studies for groups or individuals through CoLaborer magazine for women and the Direction Bible Study Series for men.

Opportunities for Fellowship
More than a monthly meeting, Master’s Men and Women Nationally Active for Christ provide outlets for deeper fellowship within the local church. Praying, working, and learning together builds friendships and strengthens a congregation. Yet, these ministries offer fellowship opportunities on a larger scale. Master’s Men retreats and tournaments allow men to connect with like-minded men from other churches, states, and regions.
WNAC brings women together through district, state, and national retreats. The WNAC National Retreat, alternating between the Southeast (Ridgecrest, NC) and Midwest (Branson, MO), affords women in both regions days of physical rest and spiritual restoration.
In recent years, Master’s Men and WNAC have combined their efforts to provide Marriage Enrichment conferences for couples of all ages—from newlyweds to seasoned veterans. Their most recent conference in Chattanooga, TN, drew 41 couples from 11 states.
Opportunities to Give
When Hurricane Katrina delivered its deadly punch, Master’s Men gathered money, supplies, and manpower to spearhead relief efforts in the Gulf Coast through the Disaster Response Team. Contributions far exceeded expectations. The team’s efforts sparked enthusiasm for this ministry that continues to expand.
Gifts to the WNAC Provision Closet pour in almost weekly. This storehouse filled with linens, small appliances, and household items, furnishes missionaries’ homes with no charge to their accounts.
Opportunities to Serve
Because good works should be the natural outflow of inward devotion, both groups offer opportunities for service within the local church and for the greater Kingdom. They serve God by serving others. Originator of the Helping Hands ministry (mission church construction help), Master’s Men continues to organize and involve men in service projects. A group traveled to Alaska to help finish a new sanctuary for the Northern Lights FWB Church. Another trip to Hawaii engaged men in a prayer walk. Together, WNAC and Master’s Men worked to remodel and furnish the Missionary in Residence House at FWBBC.
Each year, Master’s Men nationwide devotes a Saturday to Operation Saturation, traveling to various mission sites and blitzing the area with gospel literature and mission church information. WNAC also supports Operation Saturation. Both groups are currently promoting Impact Birmingham, encouraging individuals and local groups to come early to this year’s National Association meeting, and spend their Saturday in prayer, evangelism and service efforts.
WNAC is known for projects and missionary funding. However, in recent years, their focus is shifting from mere giving to more involvement. The 2005 50/50 national project, which enabled 600 Central Asian women to attend a first ever Women’s Prayer Fellowship, also paved the way for international missions trips. Several WNAC personnel and state WAC leaders flew to Kazakhstan last April to join in this historic event. WNAC hopes to involve more women in future trips. Their newest effort, “Christmas Joy for Central Asia” offers opportunities for giving and going. Each $15 contribution will place gifts and the gospel in the hands of an orphan. WNAC also invites women to go and actually assemble and distribute these gifts in Central Asia during January 2007.
Opportunities to Belong
Do you need direction and a vision within your women’s group? Are men in your church seeking ways to sharpen and encourage one another? This may be a job for the dynamic duo of Master’s Men and Women Nationally Active for Christ. Though they claim no super powers, they desire to help you know the power of Christ and discover extraordinary opportunities.
For WNAC information or a free start-up package, call (877) 767-7662 or
email info@wnac.org.
Call Master’s Men (877) 767-8039 or email: masters@nafwb.org. |