your dollars at work
by Larry Powell
Learn more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions at www.homemissions.net. |
Did you ever wonder how the money you send to the Home Missions is spent? I am sure the thought has crossed your mind at some point. Let me explain how we are spending your money.
Missionary Accounts
Most of the funds we receive from you and your church go directly into missionary accounts. Because you have been so faithful to support North American church planting efforts, your missionaries have little or no deficit accounts at this time. On behalf of all Home Missions church planters, thank you.
Missionary Support
Thank you for trusting Home Missions to spend your money carefully. When you send your financial gift to us, we use it for missionary training and support. What is missionary support? Each year, our office team sends out thousands of missionary newsletters, missionary prayer cards, directories and maps, and maintains a website.
Additional information and supplemental evangelistic materials are printed and made available to the public at no charge each year. News from the field about soul winning and mission church activities is also published in ONE Magazine.

These funds also help church planters with "start up" costs such as television/radio advertising, printing, and renting facilities.
Missionary support dollars fund regional training, annual sessions, and missionary "boot camps" filled with intensive training and a comprehensive plan to help missionaries connect with the 500 hundred ethnic groups and 638 language groups now in American communities. Church planters receive special training to reach out to the 40 million Hispanics in America, 13 million Asians in towns and cities, and a host of various other nationalities. Your money helps cross-cultural church planters secure proper papers that enable them to work in our country.
You support seminaries in Mexico and share Jesus with Native Americans at White Earth Reservation in Minnesota. God has sent the world to our doorstep, and you are partnering with Home Missions to reach them with the message that Jesus saves. Many of you support the Build My Church Endowment that helps provide funds to help church planters buy land and build facilities.
Administrative Support
Free Will Baptists also send money designated for administrative operations. We end each year with no deficits in our administrative office. Recently, we downsized our administrative staff. We now have three directors and four assistants. Our team efficiently cares for the needs of 65 missionary teams, endorses the ministry of Free Will Baptist chaplains around the world, and directs cross-cultural efforts in North America.
It is our constant aim to spend less of your money on administrative costs and more funds taking care of missionaries. Administrative costs include salaries, health needs, and office equipment. The most mind-boggling of administrative costs fall in the areas of auto, travel, and postage.
Finding the Money
Home Missions wants to be good stewards of the money you send. Home Missions North America is accountable to you, our supporters, and the National Association of Free Will Baptists. Most of all we must give account of our stewardship to God.
We must, along with stewardship, have a vision for reaching communities with the gospel of salvation. We must ever push to reach the masses. Let me stimulate your thinking about giving. Let me motivate you to invest in soul winning and discipleship efforts. When you send your money, I assure you that we will spend it wisely.