November 2013
Journey of a Lifetime

Charting a Course for International Missions
by Clint Morgan, General Director
Charting a Course
As I look back over my first two years as general director, I see a wonderful transition in our organization. When I first took the helm in February 2011, a financial crisis had battered our ship.
When sharing this imagery with our board in December 2012, I stated: “We, the IM leadership, believe repairs are done, the ship is painted, sitting in the water again, and ready to hit the high seas. We are asking you as our board to help chart the course for the future.”
The board set aside a day and a half at our April 2013 meeting to focus on charting that course. Even if a ship is seaworthy with a trained and prepared crew, adequate funding and resources are necessary to launch it and ensure it does not run out of fuel mid-ocean.
All we do as a Mission is built on the foundational elements of the Great Commission. We are fully committed to taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. We are convinced, if people are won to Christ and properly discipled, then a biblically-sound, Christ-centered, culturally-relevant church will emerge.
General Objectives
International Missions is the denominational branch charged with overseas ministries. Obviously, all Free Will Baptists who serve in other countries do not do so through us. We understand that and will do our part to ensure that all Free Will Baptists who want to serve cross-culturally have the opportunity and preparation to do so.
We desire to serve the denomination in the following ways:
Be the first option for Free Will Baptists who sense God’s direction for overseas ministry opportunities.
Be the coordinator (not controller) of Free Will Baptist overseas ministries. If someone comes to us, and we do not have a ministry for him with IM, we will work to help him find an agency or group with which to work.
Be the communications channel for all Free Will Baptist activities around the world. This includes those not serving under or with FWBIM. A Facebook page, sponsored by International Missions, provides an opportunity for all Free Will Baptists working overseas to share news, prayer requests, and praise items. This page will not be a forum for debate, but a call to pray for FWB ministries to the unreached.
Be the primary resource for helping Free Will Baptist churches in the United States understand and pursue cross-cultural ministries among unreached people groups in the States. If we can assist your church in reaching the immigrant populations in your community, please contact us.
Field Specific Objectives
We do not propose a massive shift in focus for IM. However, we are adjusting to changing realities in the world, among Free Will Baptist people, and on fields of service. We are, and will always strive to be, theologically and missiologically sound. To keep pace with the changes around us we will:
Work to become a true international missions agency by partnering with our existing national churches around the world to mobilize, train, and send international Free Will Baptists as they join the ranks of missionaries taking the gospel to difficult unreached people groups.
Discover and engage new unreached peoples
In fields where we have mature FWB movements.
In areas where FWB are serving with partners.
In new frontiers where God opens the door for us to partner with local believers
Broaden our potential and increase our effectiveness by partnering with like-minded agencies in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Resource and reinforce
Existing fields still in process toward a mature national church capable of carrying on the ministry (e.g. Japan, Bulgaria, Uruguay).
Our present ministries focused on reaching Muslims (e.g. Southern France and Southern Spain).
National churches as they reach their countrymen and especially as they target unreached people groups within their own countries.
Our existing partners and those with whom we establish new partnerships.
To the High Seas
The course is charted, and it is time to take the International Missions ship to the high seas—a battleship, armed and ready to sail into dangerous waters to take the gospel of Christ to the ends of the earth. As a Free Will Baptist agency, the success or failure of this voyage depends on Free Will Baptist people. Let’s join in this effort, ensuring that our ship stays in good shape and on course, and that He receives all the glory.
About the Writer: Clint Morgan has been director of Free Will Baptist International Missions since September 2011. Learn more at www.fwbgo.com.