
A cooperative effort between Free Will Baptist Bible College and Randall House Publications creates a new bookstore and coffee shop for students.
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Bible College, visit their website at www.fwbbc.edu. |
RANDALL HOUSE PUBLICATIONS AND FREE WILL BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE reached an agreement this summer that authorizes the publishing arm of the denomination to operate “Common Grounds” (FWBBC’s combination coffee house/snack shop/bookstore) beginning with the fall 2005 semester, according to President J. Matthew Pinson.
Immediate benefits for FWBBC students include across-the-board 10 percent discounts on textbooks purchased through Common Grounds, plus 20 percent discounts on Christian living books to be stocked on rolling bookracks that can be relocated in a secure area after the bookstore closes.
Randall House General Director Ron Hunter said, “We plan to issue ‘Customer Loyalty Cards’ to FWBBC students, faculty, and staff which will permit them to enjoy discounted prices on books, Christian greeting cards, and other items sold in Common Grounds.”
Mr. Hunter continued, “We’re doing major renovation and creating a Starbucks-type atmosphere for students. Expanded hours will keep the bookstore open 8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Monday through Friday. We will stock a greater variety of snack items. We plan to eliminate bottlenecking and provide students an open, friendlier place to gather.”
FWBBC senior Jennifer Bryan Altom, who has been named manager for Common Grounds, will hire and train students to work. She comes highly recommended because of her creativity and previous excellent work with the campus bookstore.
Common Grounds will open Tuesday and Thursday nights as well to service adult degree program students during their five-week mid-semester schedule.
Wayne Spruill, director of institutional research at FWBBC, said, “This is the first time a joint project of this nature has been tried with Randall House. We believe it offers students more options, access to discounted books, and a welcoming place to meet.”
Mr. Spruill will serve as liaison between FWBBC and Randall House Publications. He will coordinate textbook orders from teachers and help resolve any conflicts.
Ron Hunter said, “This gives Randall House an increased relationship with the students. That’s important for the students, the college, and Randall House. We are on board with FWBBC in this new arrangement. We want to make a positive impact in the lives of Free Will Baptist Bible College students. We believe we can demonstrate professional business principles with a Christian difference.”
President Pinson said, “I consider this a win win opportunity. It benefits Randall House; it benefits Free Will Baptist Bible College; it benefits our students.”