November 2018
Moving Forward

Missions North America Offering | November 18, 2018
A Cheerful Giver
By Brad Ransom
Sometimes it’s hard to get excited about special offerings. However, the Bible makes it clear God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). I think the key thing is to understand why giving is so important. We probably understand why regular offerings are important in our local churches, but why are they important for denominational departments?
Let me be clear. North American Ministries depends heavily on this special offering. Without it, the department would be unable to operate. The Mission North America offering impacts every area of our ministry including church planting, church revitalization, cross-
cultural ministry, chaplaincy, Master’s Men, and more.
Consider a few of the things provided by money from the MNA offering:
We recruit new church planters and revitalization pastors.
We assess candidates to make sure we send the right people.
We provide extensive training for all our planters and associates.
We host training conferences, not only for our church planters but for established church pastors as well.
We print materials to promote church plants and planters.
We provide support for our military chaplains.
We staff our office in Antioch, Tennessee, to provide support for our church planters, revitalization pastors, chaplains, and more.
We purchase and maintain equipment.
Much more...
Everything our department offers to church planters, revitalization pastors, state mission boards, local church pastors, and the entire denomination is absolutely FREE to those who participate. We never charge for a service to our churches or pastors. We can only do that through the generous support of pastors and congregations from Free Will Baptist churches across the denomination.
The Mission North America offering is vital to continue the ministry of North American Ministries. Will you pray earnestly about participating in this offering on November 18, 2018? If your church doesn’t participate, you can give online individually at www.fwbnam.com. Thank you for your continued support.