September 2014
Family: It Matters

WNAC in Central Asia
The Central Asian Sisters Training (CAST) gathered international acclaim
during its two-week run in April 2014. The unique conference, which included multiple languages, nationalities, and venues, met an eager and captive audience. Crowds listened, interacted, and even took the stage to share personal stories—tragedies, redemptive accounts, ongoing life dramas filled with acts of kindness and scenes of joy.

As with any major production, much happened behind the scenes. The planning, packing, and heart-preparation, as well as funding and gifts from WAC groups, churches, and individuals contributed to the effectiveness of this meeting.
From opening ceremony to closing finale, women sensed God’s presence and the powerful prayers of His people. In the end, the CAST received standing ovations as women rose to their feet and prayed, giving all praise and glory to God.

Here’s how WNAC leaders described it:
“Wow! Wow! Wow! Blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Working at the
orphanage and watching the joy on the kids’ faces was amazing. We fixed American cheeseburgers for them—their first…ever. We
made yarn fork flowers together. Kids of all ages loved it. The passion these folks have for Christ is simply amazing.” —Amy Johnson
“I came face to face with women living out Philippians 3:7-8.” —Phyllis York
“It was amazing to sit around the table with fellow Christians and
sing, ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus,’ and hear it in both languages.” —Janie Campbell
“What a privilege to share communion with fellow Central Asian believers.” —Elizabeth Hodges
“To visit a believer’s home, share a meal, hear dramatic testimonies of God’s saving power, and then worship [together] in four languages was a glimpse of Heaven. Unforgettable.” —Diana Bryant

Central Asian women said...
“Please tell the women in America thank you for making this conference possible.” (repeated in both countries)
“I’m thankful for this conference so I can improve my ministry.”
“God is telling me He loves me, and He wants to teach me through this difficult season.”
“Today, I’m like a caterpillar enclosed in a cocoon. I want to get out, but I can’t.”
“God can change the seasons and give us joy.”
“This is all about me. I need this.”
“I want to be a butterfly—one of these people who encourages others.”
“I prayed for two sisters and not only my eyes cried, but also my heart.”
“Thank you for this idea.”
“These crafts are wonderful. I want to use them in our Sunday School.”
“Now I have activities to share with the moms of the autistic children I teach.”
“The brownies and banana bread are delicious. I will be making both of them.”
“I cried when I saw the bras. This is such a wonderful gift for us here.”
“These are our favorite kind of headscarves, but we cannot buy them anymore.”
“Getting a red headscarf is like a dream come true.”