california is in big trouble
by Dean Long
Find out more about the California State Association of Free Will Baptists at www.cafwb.org.
Do you know that one in every 10 people in America live in the state of California? More than 37 million people are crammed into this state representing a great smorgasbord of cultures. California measures 770 miles long and 250 miles wide (a total of 163,707 square miles), making it the third largest state in America.
The state has the highest mountain in the continental United States (Mt Whitney, 14,494 feet above sea level) and the lowest spot in America (Death Valley, 282 feet below sea level). Why should I tell you all of this?
I recently became chairman of the California State Home Missions Board. This board is responsible for building new Free Will Baptist churches across the state and helping existing churches that are struggling.
In 1980, 84 churches reported to the state association. Today, only 48 churches report, and some of those are without pastors and struggling. Conservatively speaking, 15-20 churches are able to support the total denominational work here in California. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that we need help!

We need your help! First, will you pray for us on a daily basis? Second, will you consider coming to California to pastor a church? Our biggest problem is not money or available facilities. We need you! California is one of the largest Free Will Baptist mission fields, and we are dying. The ministries and churches in California should be growing and prospering, but they are declining.
It would be easy to stick our heads in the sand like the ostrich, but you and I both know that denial is not the answer. That is why I have turned to you—the rest of Free Will Baptists across the nation—to help us.
Will you help? Will you pray? Will you consider coming to California and giving us a hand in any way the Lord may lead you? I hope and pray you will. I thank you in advance for your support.
Dean Long is chairman of the California State Home Missions Board. Contact Dean at dlong1@bak.rr.com.
Church Locator (Harvest Free Will Baptist Church)
The Voice (State Newsletter)