March 2020
Eternal Investment

brown on green, A Regular column about finances
Eternal Dividends
It is estimated 68% of the U.S. economy is consumer driven. That is, people purchase items consumed over a short period of time. Many of the items that make up this portion of the economy are one-time-use items. Even bigger ticket items such as automobiles, computers, televisions, and furniture do not last a long time. Perhaps the only asset we buy that lasts a long time—even beyond our lifetimes—is a house. Pretty much everything else wears out and is replaced. This means we spend a great deal of money on things that are temporary.
Through advertising, we are often convinced if we just have a certain type of car, we will be happy. If not a car, perhaps the latest smart phone is what we need to make our lives complete. We have all spent money on things we thought would bring contentment or satisfaction, only to learn that none of the things of this world will satisfy our longing or bring real meaning to our lives.
Really, there is only one thing on which we can spend our money that gives us real satisfaction. That is what we give back to the Lord through gifts to ministry. Knowing the money we give is helping to educate students at Welch College and other Free Will Baptist schools to make a difference in the world brings real satisfaction. Supporting a missionary sharing the gospel with those who have never heard, whether here in America or on an international field, helps us feel we are playing a part in the Great Commission. Giving to the local church to teach children and adults to follow Christ through Sunday School or Life Groups is another good investment. Knowing our gifts to the local church are used for outreach and the preaching of the gospel gives us satisfaction.
However, giving to the Lord does not have to stop when we die. Remembering ministries as a part of our estate settlement is a wonderful way to continue giving long after you have passed on to your eternal reward. We all should, at a minimum, leave a tithe of our estate to support God’s Kingdom.
We find no greater satisfaction than to know, as you walk the streets of gold, that a portion of your gold is will still be spreading the gospel here on earth. Free Will Baptist Foundation offers estate planning to help make this possible. Endowing a portion of your estate will make it possible to leave eternal dividends to continue the Lord’s work till Jesus returns.
About the Columnist: David Brown is director of Free Will Baptist Foundation. To learn more about the grants program, visit www.fwbgifts.org.