September 2019
Homemade Faith

brown on green, A Regular column about finances
Grants Delivered in 2019
Free Will Baptist Foundation has awarded $1.5 million in grants over the last three years (2017-2019). The grants were funded by a strategic harvest of realized capital gains to supply the $500,000 needed for each year. The last quarter of 2018 was difficult as we experienced a market correction and were uncertain if 2019 grants would be issued. However, following a recovery in January of 2019, we were able to offer grants again. While it is the intent of the Foundation to make $500,000 in grants every year, market conditions may affect our ability to do so.
The Following grants were awarded in 2019:
IM Bulgaria Missions Team $60,000
Randall House on Demand Streaming $60,000
IM Women of Good News $50,000
Welch College $50,000
Randall University (library renovation) $31,500
Camp Hope (IL) $25,000
Cumberland Youth Camp (TN) $25,000
Faith FWB Church (Goldsboro, NC; Christian school in Brazil) $20,000
Hope Center (Door of Hope) $20,000
Hilltop FWB Church (Southeastern FWB College accreditation) $17,500
South Carolina Disaster Relief (command center) $17,500
Alabama Children's Home (update flooring) $16,500
Awaken FWB Church (Tifton, GA, church plant) $15,000
IM Cuba Nursing Home Expansion $15,000
ONE Magazine: PULP1T $15,000
California Christian College (online program launch) $10,000
Faith FWB Church Chandler, IN (Matt's House) $10,000
Harmony FWB Church Ada, OK (Bible distribution) $10,000
Morganwood Camp (MS; renovation) $10,000
NAM (McPherson, KS, church plant) $10,000
NAM (Earl and Gwen Hendrix Bible Institute, OK) $7,000
Masters Men Conference for Boys $5,000
About the Columnist: David Brown is director of Free Will Baptist Foundation. To learn more about the grants program, visit www.fwbgifts.org.