brown on green
Planning Ahead
Brown on Green is a regular column written by Free Will Baptist Foundation Director David Brown. The column offers financial advice, addresses hot-button business topics, and answers your finance questions. Contact David with your questions.
In Deuteronomy 6, the Lord prepared Israel as they readied to conquer the Promised Land. He told them they would receive large and prosperous cities they had not built, houses filled with good things they had not provided, wells they had not dug, and vineyards and olive groves they had not planted. The Lord made it clear that He had blessed them richly, far above what they deserved.
He is still telling us that as 21st century Christians, Free Will Baptists, and Americans. It is also interesting to notice that all the items mentioned in that list are assets. The Lord is interested in how we manage and pass on our assets or estates.
As we ponder our legacy, we ought to consider giving back to the Lord a portion of our estates. Everyone needs to have a will and should consider a gift to the Lord’s work, whether it is a local church, regional ministry, or a national ministry.

Leaving a portion of your estate to establish an endowment will perpetuate your giving to ministries. While you enjoy your heavenly reward, a portion of your estate will continue to provide income to the ministries you loved and supported.
Everyone should have a will. Young couples need a will to name someone as the guardian of their children should they both perish at the same time. If you die without a will, the state will decide who will benefit from your estate. In some states, children receive two-thirds of the estate and the surviving spouse only a third. The state will decide who gets your children and how your estate will be distributed unless you have a will.
If you already have a will, it is very easy to add a bequest to ministries. For those who do not have a will contact the Free Will Baptist Foundation to receive a free copy of “Guide to Wills and Trusts” to help you organize your estate before you see an attorney.
About the Writer: David Brown became the director of the Free Will Baptist Foundation in 2007. Send your questions to David at david@nafwb.org. To learn how the Foundation can help you become a more effective giver, call 877-336-7575.