March 2015
Living Trust

Sharing the Gospel Beyond This Life
By Todd Smith
On a typical Sunday morning, Lisa and her children went to church while her husband stayed at home because he didn’t feel well.
When she arrived home after church, she found her 32-year-old husband dead from a sudden heart attack. He left behind a dear wife and precious young children.
Sam, a hardworking father with a wife and two teenage daughters also passed away suddenly, a victim of a silent heart condition. He was 51 years of age. He was greatly loved by his family and friends.
At a young age, Vivian’s vehicle was hit head on by a trailer, which came unhitched from a truck traveling from the opposite direction. She left behind a husband and two little girls.
Although the names have been changed, these stories are true, and they all have something in common: they remind us that we are not promised a tomorrow, and we should be prepared for the future. No doubt, you have similar stories you could share as well.
The greatest preparation a person can do for the future regards faith and a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. God also wants us to prepare for the future, however, by being faithful stewards over that with which He has blessed us. Stewardship is not only important in the here and now, it is also important for the future and the unexpected.
Solomon reminds us that the ant stores in the summer to prepare for the winter months (Proverbs 6:6-8). Job reminds us we can learn a lot from the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air (Job 12:7-8). God ingrained into the creatures of this earth to prepare for harsh times. How much more should we, created in His image, be prepared for the future?
God has opened a window of opportunity for the Free Will Baptist Foundation, in cooperation with Cornerstone Estate Planning, to partner with every Free Will Baptist ministry, mission agency, and local church to equip families with the right tools and resources to prepare for the future. If you say, “Whoa, what does this have to do with missions?” let me tell you.
Can you imagine if every Free Will Baptist family included Free Will Baptist missions and ministries in their end-of-life planning? It could be possible for missionaries with accounts in the red to stay on their fields longer without leaving to raise necessary funds.
It could be possible for mission churches to be built and growing churches to be expanded or remodeled without taking on a huge debt, which might hinder it financially for many years. If so, missionaries could expand their outreach and accomplish more for the Lord’s work, allowing many who would not otherwise have the opportunity to become believers and be discipled in Christ.
End-of-life gifts to the Lord’s work are gifts that keep on giving long after we are gone. Have you included missions in your plan for the future? If not, and you would like to consider doing so, we are here to help you continue to share the gospel beyond this life.
About the Writer: Todd Smith is a regional ministry representative for the Free Will Baptist Foundation. Learn more: www.fwbgifts.org.