October-November 2022
Looking Back...
Looking Forward

BETTER TOGETHER | Growing Together
Although we have all grown tired of Zoom meetings over the last two years, the pandemic taught us that technology presents an opportunity for people all over the world to come together and grow together in discipleship, encouragement, and accountability. The Executive Office is excited to announce new opportunities for growth via Zoom.
Book Discussions. We all gain knowledge from reading a good book. However, we harness even more of that knowledge when we read and discuss. Several opportunities for book discussions are coming soon.
Mutual Encouragement Groups. We often learn much and find encouragement by getting together and discussing the issues we all face in ministry. Recently, we launched groups for pastors and their wives, and more meetings are scheduled in the near future. To participate, email questions@nafwb.org to learn the requirements and expectations for participating in these discussions.
Subculture Discussions. Churches who have used Know Your Community through the Executive Office are welcome to join online discussions on reaching particular subcultures.
Professional Counseling. From time to time, all of us benefit from having someone with whom we can talk confidentially. The Executive Office, in partnership with North American Ministries, offers the Refresh program for churches and pastors. A new resource from that program includes counseling from Tom Jones, church planter and professional counselor with Keystone Christian Counseling.
To take advantage of any of these opportunities, call 877-767-7659 or email questions@nafwb.org.