"It concerns me that so many people in our nation don't know the truth about the Lord."
Why Did I Become a Home Missionary?
by Greg Floars
Recently, this question was posed to me, and I began to recall how I came to be a home missionary. During a trip to Africa (a location we were considering for prospective missions work), I attended a church service in Nairobi, Kenya. To my surprise, members of the church had just returned from a mission trip to America. Their last stop had been a Detroit airport where they led 13 people to the Lord.
I will never forget the words the African pastor shared with his church that day. “The once-sending nation (America) has now become a complicated mission field. They have morals and values, but they are steamed by a fire that has long since gone out.” He cried and asked his church to pray for America.
When I met with the director of AIM (African Inland Missions). He told me, “If you really love Africa and the rest of the world, then go and reach your own country. Your country is spiraling out of control, and the rest of the world is depending on them.”
Later, at a home missions revival where I had been invited to preach, God gave me peace that planting a church in North America was exactly what I was supposed to do. I called my wife Lea in the middle of the night to share with her this exciting new direction for our lives.
It concerns me that so many people in our nation don’t know the truth about the Lord. Untold numbers of people in our nation have no idea of what God has in store for those who believe.
Recently, I presented a Bible (her very first) to a 32-year-old woman and read from John 14:31a, “that the world may know that I love the Father.” I want my world to know that I love the Father, so I go and tell them every day here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where many still have not heard.
About the Writer: Greg and Lea Floars are joint-project home missionaries in Marquette, MI, in a community that once served as an Air Force base. Only one other church is located in their community. To learn more about the Floars and Free Will Baptist Home Missions, visit www.homemissions.net.