active discipleship
by Scott Cheatham
Find out more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions at www.homemissions.net.
Discipleship is an exciting part of our ministry here in Denver. Webster’s defines the process of discipleship as “One who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another.” When considering that definition, I see discipleship as a two-part process. One part is information—training someone in the teachings of Jesus. This is how most people defined discipleship, but we cannot forget the second part of the definition that involves taking action!
If we are to teach the doctrines of Jesus to those around us, we must find ways to make active discipleship a part of our ministry plan. The unsaved are skeptical of Christians. They often want to see the practical side to faith before they will open their hearts to what you have to say. Discipleship in action builds a bridge from my life to another person, a bridge that potentially offers an opportunity to share the gospel. So, how do we do this in Denver?

I have the privilege of ministering to several Wal-Mart employees. A few years ago, I was asked to perform a funeral remembrance for a Wal-Mart associate, and the response was amazing. To this day, I still visit the store, speak to employees, and many attend our church. Others attend different churches but see me in coffee shops, restaurants, and bookstores and stop me to talk about spiritual things. I'm continually blessed by these relationships.
We have also taken coffee, juice, and donuts to the local schools. Teachers and administrators appreciate our prayers, and the relationships we have formed are wonderful. We also do this for local fire, police, and other public service agencies.
I also use my previous career in radio broadcasting as a springboard to reach others. A local Christian station asked me to be their “Good Friday” pastor and pray for people who called in while music was playing. Many share their struggles and fears with me, and I pray with them.
The key in all of these things is to be good listener. Active Discipleship requires you to invest time in others. Sometimes that is hard to do when we want to put another notch on our “conversion” belts. Yet if I am to minister and disciple others, I must know about their lives before I suggest anything. Like a good doctor who takes time with his patients, the good disciple takes time to listen before offering the life-giving cure of our Lord Jesus Christ!
About the Writer: Scott Cheatham is a home missionary church planter in Denver, CO. Read more about Range View Free Will Baptist Church at www.rangeviewfwbmission.blogspot.com.